Guy fawkes

Guy Fawkes Free

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  1. 9 months ago on Mike Luckovich

    Gas price melter in a summer swelter

    The Cons leavin’ women without any shelter

    Equal rights are falling fast


    Freedom and choice landed foul and wouldn’t pass

    The cons so pompous outlawing in mass

    The jester tweeted all mine at last


    Now the carbon air was wafting doom

    While oilmen played a drilling tune

    We all got up to dance

    Ohh, but we never got the chance


    ‘Cause the SCOTUS tried to take the field

    Would the people refuse to yield?

    Do you recall what twitter revealed

    The day Democracy died?


    Oh, and here we all are in Wiki’s database

    Twelve generations host this race

    With no time left to start again


    So come on Justice be nimble, Justice be quick

    Teflon Don spat out his oily shtick

    ’Cause cash is the devil’s only friend


    Oh and as we watched him on the stage

    Our hands were clenched in fists of rage

    Fascists bound for Hell

    Cast that Satan’s spell


    And as the money flowed into the right

    To fund their sacrificial might

    We saw Satan laughing with delight

    The day Democracy died


    We met a World that sings the greens

    And we asked her for some happy scenes

    But she just smiled and turned away


    We went down to the Justice store

    Where we’d won our freedom years before

    But the judge there said democracy couldn’t stay


    And in the streets the children screamed

    The lovers cried, and the poets dreamed

    But not a word was spoken

    The liberty bells all were broken


    And if the three men we admire the most

    Thomas, George, and James’ ghosts

    Could rise up they’d cry foul the most

    The day Democracy died


    They were singing

    Bye, bye Miss American Pie

    Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry

    Them good ole boys were drinking whiskey and rye

    Singin’ this’ll be the day

  2. 9 months ago on Mike Luckovich


    Not so long ago

    We can still remember how

    Our country used to make us smile

    And we knew that we would see

    That we could keep the people free

    And maybe they’d be happy for a while


    But one November made me shiver

    When all the ballots were delivered

    Bad news on the doorstep

    We couldn’t take one more step


    I Can’t remember if we cried

    When we read about his blatant lies

    Something touched us deep inside

    The day Democracy died


    Bye, bye Miss American Pie

    Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry

    And them good ole boys were drinking whiskey and rye

    Singin’ this’ll be the day that I die

    This’ll be the day that I die


    Did you burn the book of love?

    And do you ignore your God above?

    Does the Bible tell you so?

    Do you believe in justice whole?

    Can freedom save your mortal soul?

    And somehow you think we don’t already know?


    Well, we know that you’re in bed with him

    ‘Cause we saw you colluding, treason’s sin

    You both picked who would lose

    Man, we don’t dig these puritan screws


    Joe was an aging hero up on a donkey

    Alas a pink slip debate made it all go wonky

    But we knew he was out of luck

    The day Democracy died


    Now it’s fifteen minutes we’ve been on our own

    And trouble grows fast and more is sown

    But that’s not how it used to be


    When the jester tweeted it all away

    With hatred, lies, and believe what I say

    In a style that came from you and me


    Oh and while the eagle was looking down

    The jester sold her sacred gown

    We the People were adjourned

    No progress was returned


    And while Fox lied about the reason

    The Supremes laid out a plan for treason

    And so began our nightmare season

    The day Democracy died


  3. over 1 year ago on Clay Jones


    “In Court with The Mandarin Thing”

    The someday plans of prison goons

    Are sheltered from the sun

    He’s quite a load, attorneys change

    The tournament’s begun

    The bailiff (dapper) says his piece

    The jury softly cringe

    Hearing wicked lies from his tongue

    In court with the Mandarin Thing


    The keeper of the prison keys

    Jangles loud in his dreams

    He whiffed outside the Capitol’s door

    With insufficient schemes

    The black queen chants the people’s charge

    The cracked brass bells will ring

    To summon back the justice witch

    In court with the Mandarin Thing


    The defense posts threatening screens

    Whilst plotting return to power

    We chase the truth, slip to slip

    To taste the sweet and sour

    The red hat jester lifts his hand

    The arguments begin

    As slowly turns the grinding wheel

    In court with the Mandarin Thing


    On soft gray mornings widows cry

    The wise men share a joke

    They run to grasp divining tweets

    To satisfy the hoax

    The red hat jester does not say

    But wildly pulls his strings

    And frowns as his puppets squeal

    In court with the Mandarin Thing


    King Crimson

    Fripp, Sinfield, Lake, McDonald, Giles

  4. over 1 year ago on M2Bulls

    Don’t ask him why


    Why I’m a greedy guy

    I’m greedy noon and nighty-night-night

    My greed is a fright

    I’m greedy high and low

    But don’t ask me why

    ‘cause he don’t know


    It’s not for lack of bread

    I get lots from the Red



    Give me all your cash

    Crispy beautiful cash

    Shining, gleaming

    Stolen, untaxed, bigly stacked


    Pay me up to here-

    Bribes, arm’s length or longer-

    Here loans, there Jared

    Everywhere bankrupt, bankrupt

    Grift it, blow it

    Long as suckers throw it

    My Base


    Let it fly in the vault

    And not ever halt

    Give a home to the Franklins in my hair

    A home for cash

    A hive after the election stash

    Flippin’ ya the bird

    There ain’t no words

    For the stupid, dupe-ed, the dunder of my


    Blow it, stow it

    Long as suckers throw it

    My Base


    oh say, can you see

    my critter – if you can

    then my rug’s too short


    Down to cash

    Use the stash?

    Down to court

    Rug too short?


    don’t ever have to comb it

    ‘cause it just never grows


    Everywhere bankrupt, bankrupt

    Grift it, blow it

    Long as suckers throw it

    My Base


    (apologies to Galt MacDermot & the entire cast)

  5. over 1 year ago on Clay Bennett

    American Heather Heyer was murdered by Nazis six years ago today. American Nazis. She was 32 years old, and her hometown was invaded by torch carrying low-life thugs. So she took a rare day off of work to peacefully march against hate.

    They killed her.

    Dozens of those very same Nazis participated in the attack on the U.S. Capitol, trying to prevent congress from certifying your votes for president. Most of them have been jury convicted and sentenced. After Heather’s death, a criminal (who was then President of the United States) declared that many of these murdering white-supremacist Nazis were fine people.

    Fascists are now an endangered species here, and will receive no quarter in America. For all of us, the struggle to form a more perfect union continues.


  6. over 1 year ago on Clay Bennett


    Heather Angel

    Never gonna ya do it

    A world beyond

    Heather angel you are somewhere

    On the show

    Don’t you think you would find

    Where to go

    I want to go dancing on the other side

    I want to buy you another day

    But the money’s gone

    They brought guns and hatred

    I don’t care about that

    I just want you to be alive

    And go to the other

    I don’t want money or looks

    Have to decide


    And you are dead in the name of it

    And then we’d see yeh, yeh

    Then you’d see

    The relationship

    And walking I see you in the clouds

    And I fall for

    I would fall for you

    I would


    Goodbye, byeGoodbye

    And that is all


    Sonic Youth


  7. almost 2 years ago on Steve Breen

    And he


    The Greatest Football Player

    Did ante up to the real beast!


    Welcome Struggle, bring your cheer

    Cheer to all Fans far and near


    Justice Day is in our grasp

    So long as we have hands to clasp


    Justice Day can always be

    Just as long as We have We


    Welcome Justice

    While we stand


    Heart to Heart

    Holding Jim Brown’s hand


  8. almost 2 years ago on Steve Breen


    Every Fan down in Fan-ville

    The tall and the small


    Was cheering and cheering!

    Without any prejudice at all!


    They COULDN’T stop Jim

    Brown from running!




    Somehow or other

    He scored just the same!


    And the Defense with their

    Cleat-feet ice cold in the snow


    Stood puzzling and puzzling:

    “How could it be so?”

    “He ran without blockers!”

    “He ran without fumbles!”

    “He scored without bragging, breaking, or drugs!”


    They puzzled and puzzed ‘til

    Their puzzlers were sore


    Then the Defense thought of

    Something they hadn’t before!


    “Maybe Jim Brown
” they thought

isn’t owned by the Store.”


    “Maybe this Man

    means a little bit more!”


    And what happened then?

 in Fan-ville they say


    That the Fans’ small hearts

    Grew three sizes that day!


    And then
 the true meaning

    Of Equality came through


    And Jim Brown found the

    Strength of ten Nagurskis

    (plus two)


    And now that his heart

    Didn’t feel quite so tight


    Jim whizzed with his load

    To the cause of civil rights


    With a smile to the Camera

    He descended Lambeau


    Quietly leaving the Game

    To Lead and Grow


    He rushed into Glory

    He brought back the joys


    He brought back pride

    To the Fan girls and boys


    He brought back their balance

    And their goals and examples


    He brought back their obstinacy

    Their daring, and chutzpah


    He brought everything back

    Back from the Field


  9. almost 2 years ago on Ted Rall


    Perhaps you would care for a little light entertainment while you wait? I have been composing a short opera. Would you like to hear a song or two?

    - No, thank you.

    Oh, you’ll love it. It’s a comedy. It’s calledThe Torturer’s Apprentice – here’s the overture:

    The curtain rises on a typical everyday torture chamber. Ronsadork, the young apprentice, sings of his joy in his job

    ♫ A torturer’s apprentice went his merry way to work one day

    I bend and stretch and ply my trade making people all afraid

    But things look black

    Business is slack

    There’s no one on the rack but me ♫

    Act four is set in an abattoir – I see a lot of slapstick – We begin with the arrival of the eunuchs’ chorus who sing ‘Cut Off in My Prime.’

    ♫ Cut off in my prime

    Surrounded by beautiful women all the time

    A eunuch’s life is hard, and nothing else ♫

    – Excuse me a moment

    Oh, you won’t want to miss this aria. It reminds me of my school days in England!

    ♫ Life is rather like a game

    It’s important that you win

    And though it seem a terrible shame

    If you lie and cheat and sin

    Lay up and win the game!

    I’m a modern man

    These days I find you have to be

    Awfully cruel to be kind

    I’m a modern man

    You will agree

    It’s either you or me! ♫

    – The Adventures of Baron Munchausen -

  10. over 2 years ago on Pedro X. Molina

    “Peace does not appear so distant as it did. I hope it will come soon, and come to stay; and so come as to be worth the keeping in all future time—

    It will then have been proved that, among free men, there can be no successful appeal from the ballot to the bullet; and that they who take such appeal are sure to lose their case, and pay the cost.”

    A. Lincoln – September 3, 1863