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URL’s are not allowed in comments, but Wiki has a short article on “Bob’s Your Uncle.”
Well, have you ever seen them in the same room?
I once tried to skip a page in a book my daughter wanted me to read every night. She corrected me immediately.
Pity about that wedding party.
Thanks for the link, atanwat. I wouldn’t have been surprised to learn that this was done on purpose.
I thought I was being one of the cool kids when I went cell-only. Then I learned that less than 30 percent of residences still have landlines.
At least it’s not Schicklgruber. I’d be worried then.
Somewhere, Gussy Fink-Nottle is smiling.
I don’t know about that. “Give me a child for her first three years and I’ll know what kind of adult she will be.” Something like that. I think Barney’s lost her.
Oh good. You’re on your way to creating an agricultural surplus, thus taking the first step toward modern civilization. Keep it up.
URL’s are not allowed in comments, but Wiki has a short article on “Bob’s Your Uncle.”