
MRC112 Free

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  1. about 13 hours ago on The Flying McCoys

    Interesting. Did not know that

  2. about 13 hours ago on Adam@Home

    I’ve stated this before, but arguing with a MAGA numpty is like playing chess with a pigeon. It won’t have a clue what’s going on around it, will crap all over the board and strut around as if it’s won.

  3. about 13 hours ago on 9 to 5

    I usually do both – I cover up the problem

  4. about 13 hours ago on Wizard of Id

    Jumping the gun a bit there. Easter is still 3 weeks away

  5. about 13 hours ago on Wizard of Id

    I think that McDonalds ice must be mostly micro plastic because it takes WAY longer to melt than any ice I use from the freezer.

  6. about 13 hours ago on Pickles

    American cheeses must be plastic based. Weird stuff, but I still seem to like it in burgers. Better with proper cheese though.

  7. about 14 hours ago on Working Daze

    The thought of a young child with magical powers of that calibre is a scary thought indeed.

  8. about 14 hours ago on Ben

    10 pounds returned over the winter – pah that’s nothing. That happens to me just considering something to eat

  9. about 14 hours ago on Over the Hedge

    I usually read this during my lunch break, so could have done without that image in head to be honest

  10. 1 day ago on 9 to 5

    I loved it when I went to a new department at work and no-one knew who my boss was supposed to be. I got so much done in those two weeks – until I got my boss, then my productivity went downhill. Oh well.