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mrs8s Free

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Recent Comments

  1. about 9 years ago on Close to Home

    Terry Brooks had a dragon saying that knights were crunchy on the outside, gooey on the inside.

  2. over 9 years ago on Speed Bump

    To quote Terry Brooks… They are crunchy on the outside and gooey on the inside.

  3. almost 10 years ago on Momma

    Happy birthday, Mell!

  4. almost 10 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    OH NO! I remember those days … and not fondly!

  5. almost 10 years ago on Kit 'N' Carlyle

    It that what they really do when they pull the clothes out of the drawers??? It explains much!

  6. almost 10 years ago on Kit 'N' Carlyle

    Nah! They EAT the flowers!

  7. almost 10 years ago on Pickles

    Once he gets down, will he be able to get back up???

  8. almost 10 years ago on Kit 'N' Carlyle

    But they CAN tell time!!! The girls let me know every day when it’s 6:00.

  9. about 10 years ago on Kit 'N' Carlyle

    Dinner’s ready when the smoke alarm goes off!

  10. about 10 years ago on Speed Bump

    I need one that can do the odd jobs around the house!!!