1969-70 USMC. I was the only one in my platoon who actually liked c-rat ham and lima beans. I used to trade one of anything else for two of those. Lots of takers.
If the year is 1025 (presumably ab urbe condita — the year since the traditional founding of Rome in 753 BCE) it is 272 CE. Possible! (If banks had been invented then, which they hadn’t)
The cylinder is the wrong color for helium and worse, it isn’t secured. If it should tip over the neck will break turning it into a rocket until all the pressurized gas is out. I’ve seen it happen and it is terrifying.
1969-70 USMC. I was the only one in my platoon who actually liked c-rat ham and lima beans. I used to trade one of anything else for two of those. Lots of takers.