
Neal Janzen Premium

My wife and I foster cats/kittens. The organization is "Cause4cats" found at So many needy many irresponsible people.

Recent Comments

  1. 6 days ago on Ten Cats

    Egad! It was 109 here yesterday. (central Calif) Leaving plenty of water around for the house cats and the feral colonies we care for. Most of the cats just stay in shady areas and sleep. They do that so very well!!

  2. 10 days ago on Ten Cats

    Thanks to all for the kind comments. Pete is doing fine. We try to keep a athletic bandage on that leg, but he thinks it’s a game and has no problem removing it. I have too many cats too, but can you ever say “no” when a baby is involved and that baby is injured! I could not live with myself. Be happy everyone!

  3. 11 days ago on Ten Cats

    So just when you think you are “done” with kittens a lady shows up at our house with a 3 week old baby wrapped in a wet towel. She says “I took this out a dogs mouth, I think it’s hurt and have heard you could help it….here” then she left. Drove off in a very nice new Corvette. Thus “Pete” came to us. We cleaned him up got some milk and other fluids into him. I have warming cubes so we made him a bed in an over sized carrier and began the process. You all know how that goes! I made a splint from a popsicle stick and some sticky tape and got the right front leg stabilized and then he ate and slept! Barely made a sound. We got him into our regular vet in about a week (emergency vet wanted $1,000 just to look at him!). The leg is broken but the vet thought it would be ok if stabilized. Otherwise it was surgery to pin it. Four weeks have passed and he is full of kitten energy! He loves his new larger cage and has all bandages removed. He runs and plays with his toys and annoys the older cats who just don’t like kittens! Kittens heal very fast! Vet is happy and Pete is happy. He is as cute as he can be and I am hoping someone wants a plain old orange kitten. I am sure we will find him a home or perhaps ship him to Washington state to a rescue there that often takes rescues.

    I really did not need this. I am over 80 and feeding kittens every 4 hours was not my thing, but it’s much better now. He made it! Have a great summer everyone. Oh, he is eating everything he can get hold of!
  4. 27 days ago on Ten Cats

    I wonder why the weather types get so upset about something no one can do nothing about! I am in Central Cal. It’s hot here. Get used to it or leave!

  5. about 1 month ago on Ten Cats

    I am with you! I cannot abide “car salesman”..AT ALL!

  6. 3 months ago on Ten Cats

    Have a great “your” day!

  7. 4 months ago on Ten Cats

    Never been!

  8. 4 months ago on Ten Cats

    My very large Snowshoe Siamese, Scotty, has allergies in the spring. Poor guy is miserable. He sits in positions that help him breath and we will eventually have to give him a Depot shot. That’s always a lot of fun!! It does help with his breathing. Have a great spring everyone. Lots of wind in Central Calif!

  9. 4 months ago on Ten Cats

    So very all know the pain here..

  10. 5 months ago on Ten Cats

    I used to be an avid baseball fan, but with the obscene salaries and weirdness of the players I have given up on it. I sort of miss the Dodgers, oh well. Football?? No, when they “took a knee”, I took a walk. No football. No professional sports anymore. I will read thank you very much!