
Neal Janzen Premium

My wife and I foster cats/kittens. The organization is "Cause4cats" found at So many needy many irresponsible people.

Recent Comments

  1. 2 months ago on Ten Cats

    Keep good thoughts for the feral cats/kittens who are caught up in the fires south of me (about 100 miles) I am sure many will not make it. Some shelters are taking in pets, but they are now full. There is nothing we can do. Be well friends, this will end eventually.

  2. 2 months ago on Ten Cats

    Happy New Year everyone.

  3. 3 months ago on Ten Cats

    I think as a Premium Member; you don’t get ads! Does not cost “that” much!

  4. 6 months ago on Ten Cats

    We all love our babies, but when it’s time it takes a lot of love to do what you HAVE to do. She is pain free now. Be well my friend.

  5. 7 months ago on Ten Cats

    Wow, 76 and still hiking! I am impressed. I have trouble getting from room to room. Be careful there we don’t want to lose you or have you hurt!

  6. 7 months ago on Ten Cats

    Update: Remember the kitten that was dumped on us by the “lady in the Corvette” who “didn’t know what else to do”. Peter, i.e. Petey is doing just fine. His left front leg was broken, but with only heavy bandage has healed. No surgery required. He is a healthy young male (he was neutered yesterday) who just wants to play. We have him in a large cage but he dearly wants to interact with the other house cats. We may give it a try. He is friendly and loving and will make someone a wonderful pet. Problem is finding him a home. The rescues we work with are full even the ones out of state are full. No one is adopting and apparently no one is spay/neutering either. There are several organizations that sponsor spay/neuter so money is no excuse. Get those kittens “fixed” and we can break this horrible cycle! I do hate seeing dead mangled cats/kittens on the roads. Be well all. No more earthquakes….for now. Over 400 by last count, most you cannot feel, called “cluster quakes”. Bye all…

  7. 7 months ago on Ten Cats

    Anything is better than these “cluster earthquakes”. I think we had three yesterday and over 300 in the last 48 hours. I feel some, others I don’t. Cats seem to notice them, but then look to us to see if we are going to panic, if we don’t, they don’t. Phone keeps screaming at me “duck and cover earthquake” “duck and cover earthquake”, then there isn’t one or just a tiny one. I have suffered no damage save for some cracked cement here and there. We are being told these small cluster quakes often portend a major one and I DO NOT need that! Be well all from here in the middle of it Bakersfield, Ca. Still over 100 every day. I am too old for this stuff.

  8. 8 months ago on Ten Cats

    Smoke in Bakersfield is very bad. Eyes are itching and breathing is an adventure! My cats are staying in and staying quiet. If they run and play they get all sneezy so they are content to sleep the problem away! Stay safe everyone. The small town of Havilah has been destroyed. At one time it was going to be the capitol of California! Town of Bodfish being evacuated. These places are all close to me. I fear for the cats etc in the fire zone. They have no where to run!

  9. 8 months ago on Ten Cats

    No idea, but I have heard of it…has some sort of name????

  10. 8 months ago on Ten Cats

    I have been around and worked with computers from day one. You are getting a lot of very good advice here. Just pick what fits you. They do NOT last forever and if it’s old, may be time for an upgrade. It all depends on your needs. It’s very easy to “over do” or “over buy” when it comes to computers. You need some knowledgeable local help to guide you. I am sure you will find some one. Many will help your because they are nice. Be wary of strangers who only want your data! You will find “the cloud” and “flash drives” will store a ton of data for you and hold it forever! Have a great summer.