Juvenile sea stars crop

njengen Premium

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  1. over 12 years ago on Lost Side of Suburbia

    Now Goatsucker’s been taken, so they’ll have to rescue her too. But, wait… she’s been pretty resourceful – she might actually be useful fighting for freedom from the other side.

  2. over 12 years ago on Lost Side of Suburbia

    Ok, in the book Pinocchio turns all the way into a donkey, is sold to the circus, then to a man who wants to use his hide for a drum. So the new owner ties a rope to his leg and a stone around his neck and tosses him into the sea. After about an hour, he figures his donkey is dead and pulls out… a marionette!The book is much, much darker than the Disney version!

  3. over 12 years ago on Ordinary Bill

    ok… excuse me… I’ll leave now!!

  4. over 12 years ago on Ordinary Bill

    ok… just gotta say I’m enjoying the strip, but this is the first one that made me just totally crack up!

  5. over 12 years ago on Lost Side of Suburbia

    I like that idea.. I was hoping that Rufus’ new found courage might reverse the transformation, but maybe instead he’ll become an eagle or some other truly fearsome adversary.

  6. over 12 years ago on Lost Side of Suburbia

    Love getting some bonus artwork on a Saturday! keeps me from moping about no LSOS til Monday.

  7. over 12 years ago on Lost Side of Suburbia

    mano a mano – hand to hand. (uno = one)

  8. over 12 years ago on Lost Side of Suburbia

    Courage, Margo!Sending positive energy with lots of courage and strength your way!

  9. about 13 years ago on Lost Side of Suburbia

    1. reach – has to be far; can’t have Grandma from across the country calling and wanting to know how her precious grandchild is.2. shoes for Rufus – yay! (his sock feet made me sad)3. big breakthrough?!?… sure, leave us hanging! (at least it’s not Friday yet)

  10. about 13 years ago on Lost Side of Suburbia

    Whoa! It just occurred to me that when the Bogey comes, and Margo’s life is “disappeared”, her whole “ectourage” will be gone! She’ll definitely be ready for battle then!