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  1. 5 days ago on Arlo and Janis

    No, the strips ARE repeats – from January 2021, as Da’Dad helpfully noted for us : )

  2. 9 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I’d still like to believe that the older people are kindly and misguided rather than cruel, but what I’m REALLY hoping is that the July bug will be part of the rescue! It IS almost July, after all!

  3. 16 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I agree that location is everything. On my mom’s side of the house, we moved the kitty tower to in front of a narrow, tall window, and it has become a favourite place to be. There’s the Throne of Chastisement (the top platform), an Observation Deck (perfect for chattering at the birds and outdoor wildlife), several sisal posts, and the Lair of the Defender of the Keep. Sebastian and I have a game where he gets on one side of a sisal post, and I get on the other side, and we sisal post together. No my nails aren’t long enough to scratch the post, but it’s imperative that I participate just the same. And we mounted a swinging catnip toy over the observation deck (Barnabus the Bumble Bee) using a flag post mount and some PVC pipe, so there are OPTIONS.

  4. 20 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    “Any day spent with you is my favorite day. So today is my new favorite day.” Winnie-the-Pooh

  5. 20 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    All of them, including the lesser-seen-characters (Tabitha, Sir Figaro, Baba, Bert, etc). Every one of them makes me smile and fills me with joy.

  6. 23 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Maybe this will be a chance for her raccoon admirer (Gutter? I can’t believe I’ve forgotten his name!) to step up and get noticed by Sophie? Nothing like helping in a daring rescue! But yes, Wesley was very sweet here…. : )

  7. about 1 month ago on Breaking Cat News

    i admit, I used to enjoy both hot AND iced tea, until diabetic-nerve-damage made it impossible for me to drink ANY warm or hot beverages, so now EVERYTHING is iced, by necessity. Even room temperature beverages bounce and come right back up. I can eat room temperature or even mildly warm food, but it has to be solid. So for the past 30 years, it’s been iced tea and iced coffee for me (and iced water, etc.) In cold weather, I miss the hot beverages (and hot soups!), but I’ve known other Type-1 diabetics with way more gastrointestinal trouble than I face, so I still count myself among the lucky : ) So maybe a small exception could be made for those of us with medical issues that prevent us from enjoying the divinity that is hot tea?

  8. about 1 month ago on Arlo and Janis

    My retired mom lives with us, and she spends her days listening to audiobooks (active mind + old eyes makes it hard for her read a lot of print books), watching shows and movies, playing with the cats, and working on projects as she a) cares to and b) feels able to do so. I figure that she’s more than earned the right to spend her time as she wants to, and as long as she’s happy (which she is, thankfully), that’s all that matters in my book. She has bad days – we all do. But since moving in with us, her good days have outnumbered her bad days, so I call that a roaring success, and I’m blessed beyond measure to have the additional time with her.

  9. about 1 month ago on Breaking Cat News

    (Pretty sure this is right): Skipper’s son (the Boy) is now engaged to his long-time girlfriend (DIL, short for daughter-in-law), who is the mother of The Girl (who apparently loves to swim!). Although Skipper and his wife have thought of/referred to their son’s girlfriend as their daughter-in-law for a couple of years, it is now soon-to-be official!

  10. 3 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    @ comicsfanaticman I also meant to compliment you on the names. I loved Face Off and immediately recognized Castor and Pollux as the Troy brothers from the movie : )