Unfortunately, this one drawn here won’t work. The seam is in the wrong place. You can take off the top but you won’t be able to remove the other layers.
I agree with you. I heard rants about fresh eggs having so much more flavor. Well my neighbor has chickens and he constantly brings me fresh eggs…just laid. I find several differences between the fresh and store bought eggs. The fresh eggs have a harder shells that tends to splinter when I crack them open, their color is a little darker, the shells come in lots of different colors but mostly dark brown and even light green. I find the fresh eggs have less white in them. But when it comes to flavor, I just don’t taste any difference.
There was a very cute radio commercial back in the late 70s to early 80s about Smokey Bear. The voices appeared to be that of a 5 year girl talking to her father and explaining that his name wasn’t Smokey the Bear. She went on to use analogies similar to yours, saying, “You would call him Santa the Claus or Easter the Bunny.” It was very well done and about the only promo that I enjoyed every time they played it.
How about the fact that he talks?