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  1. 21 minutes ago on Jeff Stahler

    Balderdash. The bench is deep and no help wanted is needed; and besides, unless Biden is convinced to step off the stage, his name will be on the ballot. It doesn’t matter who: VOTE BLUE up and down the ballot.

  2. 24 minutes ago on Robert Ariail

    The Dems have a deep bench if the need arises. Harris, Shapiro, Whitmer, Warnock, Pritzker, among others meet all the constitutionally-requisite qualifications. But Harris is the elected designated hitter, and it is hard to understand the media’s dismissal of her. But, in the end, barring Jill’s intervention, I expect Biden’s name on the ballot and I will enthusiastically vote for him or any and every Democrat in the top slots and all the way down the ballot without any reservation whatsoever.

  3. 32 minutes ago on Robert Ariail

    Newsom would not be my go-to. They’d wrap SF around his neck like a boulder and he would’nt sell well in swing states with so little time to Nov. 5.

  4. 36 minutes ago on Jeff Danziger

    The media are not interested in the fact that they are helping a convicted felon wholly unsuited (literally) for the presidency. They prefer a circus. They got the old lying, fabulist and fascist act going among the former Republicans with Ringmaster Orangeface and main performer leading the clown car, on the no-net trapeze, and in the cannon shot. Now they are promoting the creation an alternative stage show on the Democratic side so that they can continue with their horse race and performance artist coverage to attract eyeballs. Meanwhile, they don’t seem to care that should Orangeface win, they have participated in their own demise as a free press. Democracy dies in darkness, indeed.

  5. about 1 hour ago on Jeff Danziger

    Sorry to do this: I get and like your point. But, interestingly, the 5th of November would be known as the Nones (long o, as in no) in the Julian calendar. So: the soothsayer saith: Cave Nonas Novembris! I just can’t get my six years of Latin out of my system.

  6. 1 day ago on Rob Rogers

    Ya think?

  7. 1 day ago on ViewsEurope

    Well, as much as I’d like to see a large Labour victory next week, I don’t think Starmer resembles the young King Arthur. There are Ladies and Lords but no round table and no knight pure enough to find the Holy Grail that would lead the UK back to its 19th century glory. Oh, where is Merlin when you need him? No, that sword is now stuck forever. Should Starmer win, he’ll have to find a new path out of the mess that they’re in.

  8. 1 day ago on Mike Luckovich

    You just knew this was coming: they had to find a way to justify Thomas’s and Alito’s obvious courruption; this is just the (second? wasn* there one a few years back regarding the governor of VA?) case in what will be the conservative supremes eventually striking down all anti-corruption efforts.

  9. 1 day ago on Mike Luckovich

    “BTW, notice the tip bushel by the door on your way out.”

  10. 1 day ago on Luann

    This week has been our fantasy, too: living out what we were supposed to do but never, or partly, did. Of course, tales to grandkids and nieces and nephews may reveal the we that never were.