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Recent Comments

  1. about 13 years ago on Eek!

    Freddy’s even scarier this way.

  2. about 13 years ago on Pickles

    Gee, that’s when I would have STARTED watching luke and laura! “Reality is for people who can’t handle fantasy.”

  3. about 13 years ago on Stone Soup International Sundays

    Actually they should put the snowman where he can look into Holly’s bedroom window. THAT will give her a shock.

  4. about 13 years ago on Close to Home

    Thanks, Underwriter, you said it for me. Portland, Oregon has Flying Pie, which offers a gluten-free crust, but 24$ is too much for a pizza that’s not large, let alone giant. Better to make it myself. Luckily I can eat spelt.

  5. about 13 years ago on Strange Brew

    And fore-armed is half an octopus. (Pogo)

  6. about 13 years ago on Dark Side of the Horse

    Gee, I never realized Horace was left-hoofed.

  7. about 13 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    My old dentist had a needlepointed sign in the rest room that said “You don’t have to brush ALL your teeth; just the ones you want to keep.”

  8. about 13 years ago on Dark Side of the Horse

    I’ve been waiting for the Aragorn comment to show up!

  9. about 13 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Calvin’s snowgoons are the best. Hands down.

  10. about 13 years ago on Pickles

    They were Sugar Crisp back in the day; then they changed the name to Super Golden Crisp when sugar got a bad rep. But nothing compared to Calvin’s Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs.