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  1. about 8 hours ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Also, there is an old saying that every military spends its time preparing for the last war (and thus we started 2 simultaneous desert wars somewhat prepared for a jungle war and/or a land war in Europe).

    But the Russians broke form and, while we were building non-functional bombers that we’d never use even if they did work, they were busy building world-class hackers.
  2. about 11 hours ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    “Trump has not loaded the Joint Chiefs and unit upper command echelons with hand selected sycophants — yet. But I’m certain a strategic list of those to be supplanted either exists or is close to being completely compiled….”

    And the completely unqualified fascist propagandist he Sec. of Defense has said he will make a priority to fire “all the woke generals.”

  3. about 11 hours ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Long game indeed; a former FSB agent (since defected) has said they groomer the Orange Blivit for 10 years before making him the 1st Russian asset to hold the Presidency.

  4. about 11 hours ago on Get Fuzzy

    AKA “Pay extra to have it pre-damaged.” Stupidity run rampant.

  5. about 11 hours ago on Bloom County

    Reporter: “Who are going to vote for?”

    Jerry Garcia: “I don’t vote.”

    R: “Why not?”

    JG: “Because if you vote for the lesser of 2 evils, you’re still voting for evil.”

    I, on the other hand (while admiring his purity & dedication* to principle), manage to concentrate on the “lesser” part.

    *Yes, of course I was tempted to spell that “Deadication”!

  6. about 11 hours ago on Doonesbury

    “….secure in the knowledge that the idiot will decide he has a “mandate” to do every stupid thing he mentioned during a years-long campaign.”

    I recall when it was revealed that a male prostitute had somehow been eased through the FBI & Secret Service background checks (he had a website, for Pete’s sake) to get credentials allowing him into the White house during Bush II, someone – perhaps Bill Maher, maybe Jon Stewart? – said “Well, at least now we know what Bush meant when he said he had a ‘mandate’”. Because he sure didn’t have one any other way.

  7. 1 day ago on Barney & Clyde

    Yeah – it was not working to give them unlimited power, and while it was working to make them richer, it wasn’t working hard enough to give them everything.

    No one remotely connected with this (mis)administration has any idea of anything except “Gimme that” and “Get rid of them n***ers & s**cs & f****ts”.

  8. 1 day ago on Barney & Clyde

    Went to CostCo yesterday; they were out of eggs.

  9. 1 day ago on Barney & Clyde

    But the mess is getting worse by the minute; you cannot turn sociopaths with no idea of how government works loose on the government with no restraint and expect anything except disaster – which is fast approaching.

  10. 1 day ago on Pickles

    I’m an old man, too. I can do – and have – everything Earl names – but choose not to do of them any but cook anymore.

    I can also do a creditable job a a carpenter, plasterer, painter, drywaller, glazier, or roofer (plumber not so much); I can drive a standard transmission from 3 up through 15 gears (the latter with a 3-speed differential;, start a fire in pouring rain; write in cursive (almost legibly), write an excellent research historical paper – with proper spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and a not single example of “writing in text”; camp comfortably in any weather under 75°F (higher if there’s a large body of water handy); build a wooden fence with saw, hammer, nails, posthole digger, & spud bar (or could before I became a gimp); engineer a sound recording on analog or digital equipment (and edit the analog with w razor blade & splicing tape); repair a broken fuzz box – in the middle of a guitar solo; change a diaper while half asleep; tune a guitar without an electronic tuner (OK, just to relative pitch; don’t have perfect ear)…..I could go on & on.

    I cannot, on the other hand, make sense of the iPhone #1 Grandson convinced Senior Management that She needed.