Little b

Dani Rice Free

retired history teacher & medical "something"

Recent Comments

  1. about 1 hour ago on Clay Jones

    AND, if the Tangerine Tornado wins, he will be the exact same age Biden was when he was sworn in.

  2. about 1 hour ago on Jeff Danziger

    Yup, and it nearly killed her.

  3. about 3 hours ago on Jeff Stahler

    You make it sound so simple. The Federal minimum wage has been $7.25 since 2009, and I absolutely DO know of places who continue to pay that salary. The cheapest one-bedroom apartment near us is $1300 a month. How you manage that?

  4. about 4 hours ago on Jeff Stahler

    Low inflation rates, high stock market, and low unemployment. Plus, most of us are healthy. And my name isn’t even Biden.

  5. about 4 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    When the temp is over my age, I stay inside and read a book.

  6. about 4 hours ago on John Deering

    He’s been whining about how the debate is “going into a lion’s den”. He might try reading a little bit of history or something. . . sorry, most history books don’t have Trump’s name or picture in them.

  7. about 4 hours ago on Clay Jones

    No, I do not play golf. I used to take ballet lessons; that’s physical exercise for ya!

  8. about 4 hours ago on Clay Jones

    According to the people who were in the courtroom with him, Trump was doing more than farting.

  9. about 4 hours ago on Clay Jones

    That’s Trump, you moron!

  10. about 4 hours ago on Clay Jones

    Not when you drive your golf cart right up onto the green.