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  1. about 12 years ago on Doonesbury

    What should scare everyone is that all sides are digging in their heels, no one is working together (including the President, Senate, and house) and we’re in deep Doo-Doo and sinking fast. Who cares who the biggest idiots are, let’s fix it, and stop snipping.

  2. over 12 years ago on Doonesbury

    I’m from Texas, and I like it! By the way, I’m not a Republican either. If you are too lazy, or too Illegal to have some form of ID, then why would we want them to vote, “either side of the spectrum?”

  3. over 12 years ago on Doonesbury

    I heard they voted to De-fund you as well Gary, “for like the President, not working from the center when doing his Job!”But Sadly, like the 30 plus other bills that sit on Harry’s Desk, he’s not doing his job and bringing it to the floor on this one either.

  4. over 12 years ago on Doonesbury

    A man, “any Man,” that helps bring back New Jersey from the Brink of Financial Ruin, makes the Unions give a little back, and puts his State back on a Path to pride should be congratulated. Doesn’t matter if he’s a Democrat or Republican. I don’t like Obama’s, and I didn’t like Clinton’s, but it didn’t stop me from supporting them or any Governor of either party that did their jobs. We need a little less sniping on both sides, and a little more listening.

  5. over 12 years ago on Doonesbury

    FloridaA study conducted by the Florida Sun Sentinel in late October 2008 found:More than 65,000 ineligible and duplicate voters on Florida’s registration rolls.600 dead people on the list.


    Mississippi has 123% more registered voters than people over the age of 18. 486 registered voters are listed over the age of 105, and 190,000 new voters registered to vote for the 2008 election, and that’s only 2 States… Read about all the states… Republican, and Democrat, and Independent by the way…Loose Voter verification on all sides need to be cleaned up, not just the Democratic side, which I am.

  6. almost 13 years ago on Doonesbury

    And Barack Obama has Family in Kenya, part of whom are here now! So your point is? To many who haven’t yet, I recommend reading President Obama’s two books, starting with Sin’s of My Father, or listen to the recording of his life as he saw it in his days of doing drugs and such..

  7. almost 13 years ago on Doonesbury

    Obama’s Gangs are roaming the streets and fighting, and beating on Cops at NATO, (which by the way is over,) and yet there they are still. NATO has nothing to do with the 99% or the economy they claim to be rioting over, and you found a prank. Let’s see Obama ate Dog Meat, Did by his on writing Drugs and liked it, spent 5 trillion in a little over 3 years, and a guy got his hair shaved. (Yep; your right Gary, Hang Him!)

  8. over 13 years ago on Working Daze

    You know Scott & John, I’m not a critic, I love everything you guys do, bring it on! I do wish you would put out a regular comic book of Working daze, or an occasional one…

  9. over 13 years ago on Working Daze

    Well John and Scott, I don’t care what anyone says, “I’ve been reading Comics for 55 years, and Working Daze is the only one I don’t want to miss.” Keep up the good work for us Old Geezers…(You Do it Right!"