Gocomic 2c

RickD Premium

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  1. about 23 hours ago on Endtown

    Wow! That’s a lot of reading! Quite a journey, wasn’t it?

  2. 3 days ago on Endtown

    ♫ Green Acres is the place for me, farm livin’ is the life for me! Land spreadin’ out so far and wide! Keep ol’ Eden just give me that countryside. ♫

  3. 4 days ago on Endtown

    ♫ Green, green, it’s green they say; On the far side of the hill, Green, green, I’m goin’ away; To where the grass is greener still… ♫-New Christy Minstrels

  4. 7 days ago on Endtown

    At least some of the Topsiders are aware that “largely intact regions aren’t entirely uncommon” on the planet. Jim and Sarah (raccoon and reptilian) intended to find one before they hit the compacted dust and ended up in Unity. They say so in the strip from 03/20/2014. And…after hearing Amesworth and others talking about the mutation effects since then…reviewing Jim and Sarah’s conversion has a different significance (at least for me). Both of them had some memory reconfiguration problems, but Sarah seemed to have forgotten almost everything from before their conversion to Anthros—including why they chose to change in the first place. That’s shown in the strip from 03/06/2014. It sort of clarifies (for me, anyway) how she was able act the way she did. She…wasn’t very nice.

  5. 12 days ago on Endtown

    ♫ Don’t stand…don’t stand so…don’t stand so close to me…. ♫

  6. 15 days ago on Endtown

    That explosion happened before Wally entered Endtown for the first time, but it’s probably common knowledge among those who live there. The decoy happened after the Topsider Personal Transport (P.T.) was christened “Petey” by Al and Gustine(6/25/2009) ; but before Petey’s brain was put into Mallard’s remote droid and became “Petey the Flying cyborg”(12/16/2010). Petey the cyborg was already with Flask when she drafted Wally for the Satellite Rocket Mission(8/31/2011). I don’t like to give too much detail (even after years have passed) because it was so much fun to see those events unfold for the first time.

  7. 19 days ago on Endtown

    I’ve tried to figure out how far Wally has travelled since he left Endtown, without any success. They left Endtown, walked to Albion West (but don’t know how many days it took) (12/24/2013), met Sarah and Jim (01/07/2014), drove for a while (02/03/2014), then they headed East (03/04/2014) for a while they tried to drive out of the Great Waste. They found some weird hard formations (03/25/2014) , then crashed their Transporter. They were abducted to Unity (04/18/2014) then escaped after some days there (07/10/2015). They continued on the desert (unknown direction) until they were drawn to the crashed airboat, the Fitz (09/09/2015). They escaped the Fitz, and were still in the Great Waste (11/23/2016). The next time we catch up to Wally and family, they are in Eden (11/09/2018) , and don’t remember how they got there (05/31/2019) . It is revealed the Topsiders in the Eden Project have abducted “key characters”—anthros that are duplicates of characters that appear in the single issue of the Cardoodle Comic Book from another dimension. When the anthros were abducted, their minds were wiped so they’d “act naturally” in Eden (02/16/2021).

  8. 19 days ago on Endtown

    Wally was in Eden at least a year, but less than two. According to what Alan said in the strip 01/18/2019. If it was less than a year, then Alan wouldn’t have said “less than two years”, he would have said “less than a year” or “only X months”.

  9. 24 days ago on Endtown

    When I’m lonely, well I know I’m gonna be-I’m gonna be the man whose lonely without you,And when I’m dreaming, well I know I’m gonna dream-I’m gonna dream about the time when I’m with you.

    But I would walk 500 miles, And I would walk 500 more, Just to be the man who walks a thousand miles-to fall down at your door (“I’m Gonna Be” -the Proclaimers )

  10. 26 days ago on Endtown

    That is an interesting statement…about Endtown being nuked. A number of commenters on here with much better memories than mine have mentioned that a nuclear strike was made against Endtown—but it was towards a decoy location. Professor Mallard explains that in the strip from 11/02/2010. I had to go back and find it. With that history, Terrance’s statement isn’t surprising—and could actually be good news. That would mean that the Topsiders have no clue that Endtown is still there. But it wouldn’t explain how Terrance knows the “Endtown” is the name of the settlement.