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ravonlea Free

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  1. over 2 years ago on Luann

    A few months ago when Luann was going to the library to take the career interest test. It showed Luann had the potential to become a teacher and that Bernice should become a lawyer, instead of a counselor.

  2. over 4 years ago on Luann

    I thought for sure this week would have had Luann inviteBben and possibly Berniece’s folks/ and nephews over for Thanksgiving as a way to try to force Berniece and Ben and to work things out. But maybe this is GnK’s way of subtly addressing the not allowing/encouraging different households to get together for Thanksgiving because of covid stuff. Although I hear Southern Cali Weather may be conducive to host small outdoor family gatherings. Glad i am not a betting person. Maybe if we are all good this year, GNK will get Ben and Berniece back together for Christmas.

  3. over 4 years ago on Luann

    I have a girlfriend who says supposably and pacifically, instead of specifically. I suppose it could be Pacifically, as opposed to Altantically… . However, I should not cast stones as my hubby likes to tease me about one of my pet overused expressions" “probably/maybe”

  4. over 4 years ago on Luann

    That was the first thing that came into my head when I saw puddles. Now I’ve got “Rock Lobster” playing in my head" “There goes a dogfishChased by a catfishIn flew a sea robinWatch out for that piranhaThere goes a narwhalHere comes a bikini whale!”

  5. over 4 years ago on Luann

    How many, if anyone, would consider " Gone With The Wind ,“Roots”, The Winds of War", " Or “The Color Purple”, to be a Bodice Ripper? They were historical romance fiction novels to be sure. They had, passion, lust and power struggles in them, as well as some racy language & pretty descriptive scene ( for their time) However, they also tackled some important historical, moral and social issues. Would anyone consider Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet to be a 16th century bodice ripper? Probably not. So what elevates these books over the" Harlequin romance" novel genre? Are Harlequin Novels the literary equivalent of " Soap Opera’s"? Some TV soaps tackled some very important and influential issues in their heyday. Were they strictly for entertainment or ratings? If so, what accounts some of them lasting on the air for 20 to 30 years or more? Come to think about it," Luann" has been a daily staple for over 30 years so I guess she is in good company.

  6. over 4 years ago on Luann

    Well if Steve Martin Could do it, why not Les? Personally, I would prefer Steve Martin though

  7. over 4 years ago on Gil Thorp

    So seriously here, is there some meaning to why the guy is named Tru(e) Standish? Is that supposed to mean something

  8. over 4 years ago on Gil Thorp

    “Who” is on First. Tomorrow is pitching and Today is Catching . Corrina Kareena is not 2nd cousin to Anna Karenina. Speaking of names- What kind of a name is Tru Standish anyway? And don’t come back with " What" is on 2nd, or “I don’t know”, because he is on third. :D

  9. over 4 years ago on Luann

    Okay so the system didn’t let me finish the comment. I guess the point is we now see how this counselor-in-training reacts. What is more interesting to me is are we going to get to see Ben and his kids at Bernice’s or maybe outside of Bernice’s house. I for one would like to see how Bernice reacts and if she can reconnect with her brother Ben, and how she reacts to being Aunt Bernice to his children. Remember years ago, Luann was interested in Ben. I would like to see how Luann reacts to Ben now and his kids. Does he have a wife? Did his wife leave him? Did his wife die? With Luann interested in becoming a primary education teacher, how will she bond with Ben’s children? What will Bernice’s reaction be to LuAnn if Luann gets interested in Ben again and his children? Oh and let’s not forget, why in the first place is Ben is he and his children living with his natural parents and not his adopted family who raised him? Did adoptive parents die? So many questions, but thankfully hopefully they will all be answered in Luannaverse time. Unfortunately I just turned 60 and by the time all my questions get answered I might be 75.

  10. over 4 years ago on Luann

    So we get it. Bernice is uncomfortable being a guest in a house of her best friend. As many readers have pointed out, she has probably slept over there many many times during her life. However living there now is completely new territory for her