I’m going to rock the boat but what about this interaction says romance? All I see is a guy that knows he has friends he can count on when he needs help.
In the Revised Standard Version (RSV) is it written as “love”. When my dad was in seminary he did a paper on this passage and the next (14:1 “Make love your aim” RSV) and the meanings of agape. When I was confirmed my dad chose 13:13 and 14:1 for my memory passages as he thought they were the epitome of Christianity, faith in God, hope in the promise of the resurrection, and love of mankind.
Units ALWAYS matter as they given a number its meaning. For example, take 1.75, 63, and 160. They are vastly different numerically but when you add units 1.75 yards, 63 inches, and 160 cm you have context as to what was measured, length, and you can see that all represent the same length.
It’s a workbook. Workbooks are usually purchased or provided at the start of the school year and are meant to be written in so they are not usually returned.
Often, especially on campuses, it’s better to call public safety first as they can arrive sooner than the EMTs and since many have 1st responder training they can start evaluation and treatment. Also, depending on the size and complexity of the campus, it’s easier to have public safety meet the EMTs and guide them to the correct location than lose time with the EMTs going to the wrong spot.
I’m going to rock the boat but what about this interaction says romance? All I see is a guy that knows he has friends he can count on when he needs help.