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  1. almost 13 years ago on Rose is Rose

    I enjoy a Vicki appearance, usually. This time she just seemed unusually mean. This guy wasn’t blowing Rose off. He simply informed her that he couldn’t help her and told her who could and Vicki popped out to insist and intimidate, quite unnecessarily. It felt a lot like “well go get mike NOW mo’fo’!” and was out of character. I don’t like seeing Rose go from timid to bullying, so perhaps this was just an anomaly and poorly executed strip.

  2. almost 13 years ago on Luann

    I don’t mind the arc, but we’re looking at two thoroughly similar and unlikeable characters interacting here. They’re both big time manipulators, regardless of how they use their skills (intimidation/power vs personal amusement). So, fine, but let’s hope it goes somewhere fast. I’m quite bored with T.J. and never liked him. I’m hoping he can redeem himself a bit and do something more worthwhile than scheming for revenge, like perhaps helping Ann to see herself as others do and help her change. It really seems like she knows what she’s doing and gets off on it, but it’s possible she’s dealing with some other problem she has by acting as she does. I’m guessing an overbearing parent(s) made her feel she never had any control at all so she’s moved to the other end of the spectrum in a kind of personal rebelliousness and T.J. can help her… somehow. If it just continues to be revenge-based then it’s pointless and all we can do is wait for the next arc.

  3. almost 13 years ago on Luann

    Reality check: he would take a beating with many students yelling “Fight! Fight! Fight!” while his handful of friends run to get a teacher. Oh, and they both get suspended. In the Funny Pages? Who knows.