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Sojourner Free

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Recent Comments

  1. 5 days ago on Bloom County

    People still watch TV?

  2. 5 days ago on Zack Hill

    Tell him he’ll be involuntarily participating in the Ice Bucket challenge the next time she goes in there to get him out of bed.

  3. 7 days ago on Monty

    I’ve used that. It does not glue 2 pieces of plastic, rigid or flexible, together.

  4. 9 days ago on Monty

    Has anyone else experienced failure of Super Glue, Gorilla Glue, et al, to actually hold what you’re gluing together? Back when Super Glue first came out, it really did create a nearly unbreakable bond. Not anymore, at least not when I’ve used. It will still stick your fingers together, though.

  5. 19 days ago on Non Sequitur

    Eye rolls . . .

  6. 19 days ago on Non Sequitur

    Seriously? WEF = World Economic Forum

  7. 19 days ago on Non Sequitur

    Oh, since dyed-in-the-wool Democrat Jerry Nadler said it, it must be true. (Eye rolls)

  8. 19 days ago on Flo and Friends

    I’m sorry to hear that. :-/

  9. 20 days ago on Non Sequitur

    Wow, you must be psychic to know such things about me. Ow, I hurt myself rolling my eyes. LOL

  10. 20 days ago on Non Sequitur

    So, what you’re saying is that Zuckerberg’s testimony that Biden’s Admin and FBI screamed and cursed at him to censor conservative posts, any mention of Hunter Biden’s laptop, as well as questioning of the jab, is insufficient evidence to satisfy you; that you don’t believe the former Politico reporters revealed how they were ordered to kill negative stories about Joe Biden and his son Hunter; and you’ve dismissed the May 2024 report that the House Judiciary Committee and its Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government released titled, “The Censorship-Industrial Complex: How Top Biden White House Officials Coerced Big Tech to Censor Americans, True Information, and Critics of the Biden Administration.” The report details the months long campaign by the Biden White House to coerce large companies, namely Facebook, Google, and Amazon, to censor books, videos, posts, and other content online. By the end of 2021, Facebook, YouTube, and Amazon changed their content moderation policies in ways that were directly responsive to criticism from the Biden Administration. Frankly, if you’ve chosen to be willfully ignorant, there’s no point in answering your questions. You are perfectly capable of looking up answers yourself, but evidently, you refuse to do so.