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  1. 16 days ago on Stone Soup

    I commented on the sloppy looking birthday cake my mom made once. She told me I was to do the next one. I did such a good job and enjoyed it, that I did them from that point on. In just a few years I was selling them and even doing large, multi-tiered wedding cakes.

    One of my favorites, though, is when my husband jokingly commented how he missed the birthday cakes his mom made him as a kid, all uneven with crumbs sticking out of the frosting. It was interesting trying to make an ugly cake! LOL!

  2. about 1 month ago on Stone Soup

    “Paying off Christmas” is a chunk of the problem, too. If you can’t pay the credit card off COMPLETELY the next time a payment is due, you spent what you could not afford. Christmas is NOT an emergency, and that’s the ONLY excuse one should have for carrying a balance. If you insist on a stupid expensive gift-purchasing bender, instead of putting yourself into debt, put money into a separate bank account with each paycheck. If you get paid weekly, $25 saved and not touched each week will get you over $1200. $50 saved will get you over $2500.

  3. about 1 month ago on Stone Soup

    Unplanned pregnancy… the original “F.A.F.O.”!

  4. about 2 months ago on Close to Home

    I’m hearing that more young people today are heading into the trades. That will solve student debt AND the skilled labor shortage.

  5. 2 months ago on Stone Soup

    “Flu shots” don’t prevent you from getting the flu, they just lessen your symptoms when you do get it. Additionally, each year they GUESS what will be the prevalent strains of the many different flu viruses that will be out that season, and make up that year’s “flu shot” with that guess. They can – and have – guess wrong, so that ’flu shot" was completely worthless.

    Basically, your “flu shot” doesn’t prevent anyone else from getting sick from you. And no one should be forced to put something into their body that they don’t want.

  6. 3 months ago on Stone Soup

    “Not in the budget”, “I’m broke”… a d yet it gets purchased by mom? Bad lesson, mom. :(

  7. 3 months ago on Non Sequitur

    Too many people confuse religion with faith, or “the church” with religion, or a particular church (denomination) as being “the church”. We think too much of ourselves when we try to think about it too much, and that’s when we cause problems and division instead of just being decent to everyone.

    God exists as the God and the Creator, as there has to be something outside of understanding that COULD exist before there was anything else that did exist. Even if the “Big Bang” started the universe, there had to be something that made the material for that, as well as to give it the kick to go bang. Something outside of science did the impossible and was able to make “something” out of nothing. “Everything has a starting point, except for the thing that started everything”.

  8. 4 months ago on B.C.

    You obviously live in a city. We in more rural areas suffer all the time from laws voted in by people that live in a small but populous area of our state that don’t affect them, but have literally (and I do mean literally) destroyed our homes and property here.

    The electoral college is designed to prevent things like this on a national level. There is no need- and it’d be very dangerous – for 5 major cities to be able to choose what should happen for the entire nation.

  9. 5 months ago on Luann

    Everyone is missing the point of what Tiff said last. “There could be two”. A few years ago in high school, Tiff was a skinny sex symbol. Once college started, she got depressed and found a little bit more than the “freshman 15” (she gained quite a bit of weight). Since then, she often feels less than desirable. Now, suddenly, she thinks two guys do find her attractive – and that’s a great feeling. :)

  10. 5 months ago on Luann

    The fees that card companies charge businesses add up fast. Restaurants have such a low profit margin as is, and now with the cost of food/ingredients so high, they can’t charge enough for the meals they make to stay in business if they have to pay out another 3%-5% of what they receive. Notice that it’s not a percentage of their profit- it’s a percentage of every actual transaction.

    Along this line, if you do go somewhere that takes cards, don’t put a tip on that. Always tip in cash.