Bunny and summer together

Moonkey Premium

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  1. about 7 hours ago on Bliss

    He probably has said it was the last time several times so far.

  2. about 7 hours ago on FurBabies

    I always did it myself.

  3. about 7 hours ago on Off the Mark


  4. about 7 hours ago on Off the Mark

    So does Kroger.

  5. about 8 hours ago on FurBabies

    Side story: I had looked for quite some time for a beagle puppy. It took months – there just weren’t any. Finally, I found a home with one female puppy left, and several males. It was a long drive for me, so my daughter was able to go with me. She is also a good judge of dogs. We met the owners, both parents, all the puppies in the house. Everything was perfect. I had the exact cash in my pocket. I decided to “think about it.” My daughter was very upset with me, she said everything was perfect! Why did you walk away? Actually, I can’t answer that, because everything was perfect, and the little girl beagle was perfect. I just couldn’t do it. I continued my search and found Bunny. I never regretted the little bit of extra wait. All I could really tell my daughter was that I just couldn’t do it, that maybe I should not try to raise a puppy. I sometimes think Bunny knew I was going to find her.

  6. about 8 hours ago on FurBabies

    Maybe if he can only find a puppy. I don’t think I have the ability to get a puppy down the stairs and outside quick enough. Or train for no barking, no chewing, no jumping, etc. All my dogs in the past came to me as puppies, and they are a lot of work. I don’t want to wait 2 years to do dog therapy again, and it would probably take that long to get a beagle ready, if the puppy grows up to be suitable for that job. Bunny came to me as a 6-yeard-old, and it was within a very short period of time I realized that I probably should not try to raise a puppy.

  7. 1 day ago on FurBabies

    Yes, I lost her to cancer two weeks ago. My heart still believes she is here, sleeping on her 2/3 of the couch. All 17 lbs of her took 2/3 of the couch. I was good with it.

  8. 1 day ago on FurBabies

    In today’s mail I got her new “certified therapy dog” badge. I cried, of course. I haven’t even opened the envelope yet. Her current one isn’t even expired yet, but the hospital really made sure we kept them up to date, so I ordered the new one as soon as I got the renewal form. I almost waited – the form came the day I knew she was not getting better. I was still hoping anyway.

  9. 1 day ago on FurBabies

    I did the best I could. And then some.

  10. 1 day ago on The Born Loser

    I am grateful to my dentist who saw me getting squirmy in the chair during a cleaning when my ear issues were beginning to get worse. He just stuck an ear plug in each ear, and it helped. I asked for two more for carryouts; he gave them to me, and I have been using ear plugs off and on ever since. I bought a whole bunch of them.