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Recent Comments

  1. over 2 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    I think everyone is missing the joke. The way she is bending over I think the garage is a metaphor for her shorts (and butt).

  2. almost 3 years ago on Luann

    I can tell you what I am sick of. I am sick of people complaining about art they get for free right on the platform where the artist posts their work. Don’t like it? Don’t read it. Bye.As for the “There aren’t very many good comics online anymore” statement all I can say is “are you serious”? We used to get whatever comics happened to be in the local newspaper. If they dropped your favorite you were SOL. Just on this website alone there are so many comics it boggles the mind, not to mention all the indy comics out there on the web.Read it or don’t. Find something else you like or don’t. Just don’t sit here and bitch about what someone else is producing.

  3. almost 3 years ago on Betty

    Hey j.l., is reading three whole panels of a comic strip (~50 words) too much to ask? Maybe try reading to the end (and comprehending) before before jumping to the wrong conclusion. Then apply this to the rest of your life.

  4. almost 3 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    I read that having a fish tank in your house can be good for your mental well-being. It’s all the indoor-fins.

  5. almost 3 years ago on Fowl Language

    Analysis paralysis

  6. about 3 years ago on Monty

    pschearer, oil companies pay for studies that say that climate change is not happening, while simultaneously lobbying for a taxpayer funded 60 mile seawall along the Texas coast to protect oil and gas infrastructure against rising tides. This fact should trigger something in your brain. Hopefully it’s a change of outlook and not just disregarding it as “fake news”.

  7. about 3 years ago on Wizard of Id


  8. over 3 years ago on Over the Hedge

    “This free content conflicts with my brainwashing. Boo-hoo.” Remind me, which is the party of micro-aggression snowflakes?

  9. over 3 years ago on Fowl Language

    I just went through a box of my parents slides (yes slides) from the late 60’s through 80’s. I bought a little scanner where you pass them through on a carrier and it takes a digital photo. I went though 500 or so in an afternoon. About half were too blurry to bother keeping. About half of the remaining ones were landscapes which have no sentimental value to anyone, and are vastly inferior to what a google image search would bring up. What remained was primarily crappy candids, unskillfully taken at family gatherings. Maybe 15 or so were actually nice, sentimental pictures worth keeping.

  10. almost 4 years ago on Pickles
