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Thomas Hart Premium

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  1. over 1 year ago on Lio

    Let me see if I’ve got this right. Letting people keep their own money, which they’ve earned, is wrong. Believing that schools, which are failing to teach reading, writing, and arithmetic, a failure reflected in falling test scores, should focus on what used to be called the 3 rs, instead of sexuality, which used to be a household matter, is wrong. Cutting down on government bureaucracy is wrong. Securing a border is wrong. All of this is wrong, crazy, evil. And yet a senile, pedophilic, grifter is a great man. This is BS is not even fit to use as fertilizer.

  2. about 6 years ago on Barney & Clyde

    Exactly the same as his. Why are you bothering to reply to a comment that’s over 7 years old?

  3. about 6 years ago on Prickly City

    Lets see, we just added 300,000+ jobs, growth is up, two justices were added to SCOTUS, the embassy was moved to Jerusalem. we’re withdrawing from parts of the Middle East. Just what is this guy upset about?

  4. about 7 years ago on Prickly City

    Is Trump any worse than Benjamin Harrison, Andrew Jackson, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, or Jimmy Carter? One an incompetent pol who did nothing to prevent the Civil War; a war hero who forced Indians onto the Trail of Tears; a racist pol who used the Civil Rights movement to ensure that the Black vote would go Democratic for “200 years;” a demagogue who spied on his political opposition; an incompetent and anti-semitic president.

  5. about 7 years ago on Prickly City

    Some points:1. Do you know the difference between a lie, and a mistake?2. Is it possible that what you consider lies are mistakes?3. Assuming that you do know the difference, where is your evidence that Trump lied?4. You are assuming that his tweets are directives. Executive orders or other formal communications, not tweets, are the usual form of directives to executive departments.5. Based on the need for repair and upkeep, the White House is a dump. Would you spend millions on a place that was as desperately in need of repair and renovation as the White House?

  6. about 7 years ago on Prickly City

    How about a human being?

  7. about 7 years ago on Prickly City

    Am I the only one getting tired of seeing the president portrayed as a skunk? The artist might not like Trump or his tweets, but the office deserves a bit of respect. Just what does this guy want from Trump? Not many presidents have had a good relationship with the press. Trump has simply said in public, with great force and pungency, what many of predecessors felt in private. He has done nothing unconstitutional, unlike his predecessor, and has not spied on his opponents, also unlike his predecessor. So just what is this guy’s gripe? I’m about ready to drop this tripe, and I’ve read it since day 1.

  8. about 7 years ago on Prickly City

    Accept the reality that Trump is president. Actually he’s been a pretty good president. He’s cut regulations on a lot of things, though the administration still hasn’t gotten around to two of my biggest gripes, the regulations concerning gas cans, and those concerning cigars, and he got through a tax cut that included a repeal of the Obamacare individual mandate.

    He says a lot of negative things about the press, but so what? How many people actually saw reporters as brave, decent upright citizens before All The President’s Men? Judging from their representation in popular culture, i.e., movies, not many. There are vastly more negative portrayals than positive ones before 1974. The presidents themselves have been overwhelmingly negative about the press, and their treatment. Trump is merely the first one who hasn’t been a doormat. Good for him.

  9. about 7 years ago on Prickly City

    Accept the reality that Trump is president. Actually he’s been a pretty good president. He’s cut regulations on a lot of things, though the administration still hasn’t gotten around to two of my biggest gripes, the regulations concerning gas cans, and those concerning cigars, and he got through a tax cut that included a repeal of the Obamacare individual mandate.

    He says a lot of negative things about the press, but so what? How many people actually saw reporters as brave, decent upright citizens before All The President’s Men? Judging from their representation in popular culture, i.e., movies, not many. There are vastly more negative portrayals than positive ones before 1974. The presidents themselves have been overwhelmingly negative about the press, and their treatment. Trump is merely the first one who hasn’t been a doormat. Good for him.

  10. over 7 years ago on Baldo

    I’ve read this for several years, though I don’t really like it. I finally stopped today.