No bio available
I think kudzu would be harder than that …
Slavery was nearly universal for 5600 years of recorded history. And 40,000,000 people are in slavery today.
Hammy can do Ackerman’s function? Cool
“Be warmed and filled.”
Are we now going to revert to our normal suburban programming?
How ironic that this happened at the beginning of COVID-19.
It did end badly.
The $38.5M in 2006 dollars is the equivalent of about $60M today. Just sayin’.
For those who might see this: A 12-volume set of Pogo is being published. They’ve done the first 8 volumes, maybe more.
If you adjust for hours actually worked, I wonder how it would come out. Economists do this kind of thing. Anybody know?
I think kudzu would be harder than that …