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TheF0rmatter Free

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Recent Comments

  1. over 4 years ago on Garfield

    My brother was in a volunteer fire department in a rural area. In one week they had two calls of this nature: 1. The water tower in a small town about 7 miles away caught fire (the paint ignited during some repairs). 2. A few days later the only store in town that sold fire extinguishers caught fire.

  2. almost 10 years ago on The Born Loser

    Our idiot dogs think that cat food is the best thing EVER, which is why we had to put up a gate so the cats could eat in peace.

  3. over 10 years ago on Frank and Ernest

    Took a book upstairs to my daughter’s bedroom to read her a bedtime story. She said “Why did you bring the book that I didn’t want you to read out of up for?.”

  4. over 12 years ago on Shoe

    “I read so much about the hazards of drinking that I gave up reading!” (I think that is attributable to W.C. Fields)