
tommyhawk1 Premium

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  1. over 3 years ago on Non Sequitur

    I can see that my feeling on reading this strip is not the way of the rest of you. I am uninclined to make too many waves about this, and am too old to play mind games.

    Wiley’s strip is not a small private printing, it is widely disseminated and as such, it owes the general reader, including children, a certain duty to not go some places. I’m willing to shrug and grant Wiley that he had an off day here, and hope he does better again in future, and returns to his more kindly remarks on the human condition in future, rather than these broad strokes against entire countries and peoples.

    And with that, I am ending my comments on this thread.

  2. over 3 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Am I the only one to feel that this was not only a not-funny comic, but smacks of racism? I was taken aback and if this strip continues such jokes, I shall mark it as not to be sent to me further.