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I Know What You Friggin’ Did, Last Friggin’ Summer
See that, you can even work in more than one “Friggin’”
I’m starting to suspect that Ryan North had aspirations beyond being the creator of a comic strip…
If he ever meets two, the last one would be “second Beth.”
This is a classic! Love that last line!
Then what are the odds that God was created? Lets start there, and then, when we figure that one out, we can move on to the odds that God’s creator was created. That should keep us busy for a few days, at least.
Go grizzlies!
Think how much more effective our government would be, if we had sexual Congress.
I have a fridge magnet stuck to my desk (didn’t see it often enough, on the fridge…):
“Religion: It’s like Science for Idiots!”
Always makes me smile…
I’m a glass-half-empty kind of guy, so I’m going to say that you’re overly-optimistic… Like REALLY overly-optimistic.
A increasing number of comedians won’t play universities any longer, as the overly PC infringe on free speech.
Students are the very definition of “thin-skinned” these days.
I Know What You Friggin’ Did, Last Friggin’ Summer
See that, you can even work in more than one “Friggin’”