I got an allowance for doing chores, as did my kids and their kids! We moved from the midwest to the east when my kids were teenagers. They got $5 compared to $50 per week for some of their friends. What do you do with that kind of money – spend it on drugs or alcohol?
I don’t use my front door much. Yesterday I opened the door to find a spiderweb complete with large spider across the doorway! I did not invite him in.
I know I should probably downsize but I don’t want to give up my belongings and the space to keep them. I am sorting through stuff and donating or trashing but I mostly like what I already have. When the time comes that I can no longer drive, I’ll have to decide where I can live.
My BFF got Lyme disease from the deer that easily jumped over the fence of the forest preserve that bordered her backyard. It’s hard to erect a tall enough fence to protect yourself.
I got an allowance for doing chores, as did my kids and their kids! We moved from the midwest to the east when my kids were teenagers. They got $5 compared to $50 per week for some of their friends. What do you do with that kind of money – spend it on drugs or alcohol?