Aw, that’s an old one, but there’s probably some young whipper-snappers who haven’t heard it yet. Add to it from Rodney Dangerfield’s stand-up routine, “Now, take my wife …. Please take my wife.” Hardy har har.
I don’t marvel at a box of crackers so much, but with all the science behind it, I still cannot understand how a cargo ship can float or a jumbo jet fly.
I miss the paper boy, but not for the same reason. He used to bring it in the morning, but now we have to wait until 2:00 or later to get it in the mail.
Aw, that’s an old one, but there’s probably some young whipper-snappers who haven’t heard it yet. Add to it from Rodney Dangerfield’s stand-up routine, “Now, take my wife …. Please take my wife.” Hardy har har.