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Just as long as no oatmeal sneaks into the chocolate chips! Nothing worse than expecting chocolate chips and biting into a darned raisin.
Ewe. That was always creepy to me
Where I grew up, there would probably be 2 ton pickups and fishing shantees
This comic does some of the best suspended reality.
The one I remember had monkeys
My wife and I have discussed getting senior dogs once our current 3 are gone
First Nancy cartoon was 2 January 1933
My first thought
70 million people voted for a convicted felon and rapist. But eggs cost $4 a dozen for about a month.
Ok Kerouac, I think you’ve had enough benzedrine for today.
Just as long as no oatmeal sneaks into the chocolate chips! Nothing worse than expecting chocolate chips and biting into a darned raisin.