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  1. 14 days ago on Tom the Dancing Bug


  2. 14 days ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    I kept shouting into the void that Obama should call up the militia a well regulate it – it’s one of the President’s powers in the Constitution!

  3. about 1 month ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    I do wish the Democrats would stop taking their Progressive wing for granted and predictably turning to the right to try to win voters who hold them in contempt. Turning out the Left instead of turning them away/off would get them all the votes they need.

  4. about 1 month ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    I have been frankly astonished at what a great job Biden has done, under historically terrible conditions, and with a proudly anti-American GQP in the House. Still, I understand Decepticomic’s anger at Biden’s much-too-unconditional support for Israel. Genocide and apartheid are very, very bad, and Israel has had no real policy other than extermination/ethnic cleansing for the Palestinians since the end of the 1967 war, when they gained de facto control of the West Bank and Gaza. The US should not be supporting Israel. But how is voting for Cornell West or Jill ’I’m Not a Doctor, But I Play One on TV’ Stein, or the Socialist or Libertarian going to change that?

    The practical effect of voting against Biden is increasing Trump’s chance of winning, and Trump has made it clear that if he gets in, elections are over, democracy is over, the rule of law is over, and, pretty clearly, the Russians are handed Ukraine, and Israel is given a green light to just bulldoze Gaza and continue their slow conquest of the West Bank. Which is a pretty high price for getting to sit in my privileged home in Canada and feel morally superior for ‘not having voted for genocide’.

    So I’ll be voting for Biden, and continuing to work for the end of the Electoral College and for the use of Approval voting. And wishing I had time to do more, but, hey, end-stage capitalism and all that. (At least Biden’s reversed four decades of supply-side economics!)

  5. about 1 month ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    ??? Nader voters, by definition, voted for Nader. Do you blame Robertson voters for taking votes away from W? And Gore didn’t lose by any votes – he won, had the votes been counted fairly, which they absolutely were not, for reasons that nothing to do with Nader. Nader has just been a convenient scapegoat for not changing the utterly broken system(s) that caused this mess, and for scaring people away from ANY third-party voting. (BTW, you think Democrats voted for Perot? For that Libertarian dude in 2016?)

    I’m not sure where you’re getting that I hate the Democratic Party? One can look at the facts and conclude that W is the fault of the Supreme Court, poor performance by the Gorebot, massive shenanigans by the Republican Party, and a badly-designed voting system (at ALL levels, from the Electoral College, to plurality voting, to gerrymandering, to the butterfly ballot) without favoring one party or another. I vote-swapped for Nader with my uncle in 2016, as Illinois (where I lived) was potentially contested, while Indiana was bright red. And I held my nose and voted for the corporatist Clinton, and the old guard Biden, despite living in Washington State for those elections, which is about as blue as you can get – Sanders was my man in the primary, but in both elections it was critical that Trump not win, so I, like you, apparently, voted strategically.

  6. about 1 month ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    The Supreme Court, not Nader, gave us W. (Though, of course, the Court wouldn’t have had a say if Gore had not run such an awful campaign, and W’s pals in Florida hadn’t done everything possible to cheat.) I guarantee you there were more registered Democrats who failed to vote at all (or voted for W) than there were Nader voters – and Gore still would’ve won if the count had been fair.

  7. about 1 month ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    None of those things is actually true, though. In fact, the opposite is generally easily determined to be the case with just a few keystrokes. So we’re left wondering why you want to believe and share such obvious falsehoods?

  8. 3 months ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    But being accepted for their legacy status is okay?

  9. 5 months ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    1) Most of those are not actually facts, and 2) they still don’t respond to my question. Also, 3) where did I call you names?, and 4) please diagram your sentence fragment, “What has the Biden administration already done to stop the GOP Texas governor from doing?” Does it actually make sense in English? Does it in any way respond to my question of where you were getting your facts? It seems to me that the classic we’re seeing is the deflection and distraction tactics of the right.

  10. 5 months ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Your response to my question is non-responsive, and, so shall mine to yours be, especially since your question is non-sensical and barely parses as English.