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Who else is reminder of Jack Gilford as Hysterium in “A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum” when they see Schnozzus?
Kids today will not understand this.
Somewhat of a repeat. Years and years ago the punchline was something to the effect of newspapers will still be around until you can do crossword puzzles online in the bathroom.
@Robert Watson — not to mention that for the past several days we saw whole bills floating out of the pipes and now magically they are all shredded…
I keep coming back and I don’t know why.
why does his height keep changing. sometimes he appears of average height and other times he appears smaller…
the way this is going – the warden may be changing into a green jump suit…
It’s only been 10 years???
I was hoping he was gonna trade in the red suit for a black suit and a streimel and change his name to Chanukah Chaim and then light the menorah!
hey slim… with your actions (if you keep this up) we all will be able to see why your not married!
where is comiccritic5744 when you need her…
Who else is reminder of Jack Gilford as Hysterium in “A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum” when they see Schnozzus?