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Primarch Free

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  1. about 13 years ago on Working It Out

    How come the numbers of those protesting are smaller than the 1% they’re protesting against? Oh, yeah, the rest are working for a living and not “demanding” handouts..okay, so maybe not all of them are actually working, we’ve got enough living off of welfare, but they’re not going to bite the hand that feeds them.

  2. about 13 years ago on Rubes

    Probably because most people like @gmartin997 actually have jobs and are working to make America great and not whining and complaining because they just want a handout.

  3. about 13 years ago on Close to Home

    funny…i love reading the comments of people who “support” the occupiers…it just goes to show the kind of person who is supportive of them.

    @Tigger, you hit the nail on the head on both accounts. You are missing one thing on the first one though, they’d have to actually pay for those and since they’re all a bunch of people just wanting hand-outs instead of actually people who want to work for a living, they have no money to pay the fees.

    It’s funny. I see a bunch of places near where I live with signs out saying that they are actually hiring. Now granted, these are not six figure jobs, but making a paycheck is better than not making one. It helps to bring in some money while you look for a better paying job than to bring in no money and go camping with a bunch of other people and make a complete mockery of the system.

    I wonder how many are actually still occupying anywhere now that it’s starting to get colder. :-) Maybe Ben & Jerry’s can put out a new flavor…Occupier in December or something like that. It would have to have Nuts in it. :-)

  4. about 13 years ago on Chuckle Bros

    I had one a long time ago. Had to sell it though. Back in the early ’90’s to get a new muffler installed would have cost me $700 for the parts alone, let alone the labor costs. No job and a college student, that was like buying a whole new car. Sold it off. Fortunately for my wife and I, we had a grocery store within walking distance.

  5. about 13 years ago on Working It Out

    They probably do as it gets closer to Christmas Day…

  6. about 13 years ago on Chuckle Bros

    Since there seems to be confusion into thinking this is referencing Peter, Paul, and Mary:

    rob Peter to pay Paul

    The expression refers to times before the Reformation when Church taxes had to be paid to St. Paul’s church in London and to St. Peter’s church in Rome; originally it referred to neglecting the Peter tax in order to have money to pay the Paul tax.

  7. about 13 years ago on Working It Out

    @PsychoDad, how dare you bring facts into a debate with a liberal. You should know by now that facts that don’t meet with their agenda are automatically deemed as being incorrect and, most often they’re considered racist just by the very nature that they’re not their views. So be careful when you bring facts into the debate…


  8. about 13 years ago on Working It Out

    In all honesty, I’m completely and totally surprised that there’s not more comments from the “Occupy” types. After reading this, I scrolled down and was surprised to see a 2 in the comments section when I was expecting a much higher number. Maybe they’re all too busy being arrested and shoved along. :-)~

  9. over 13 years ago on Speed Bump

    But even if he didn’t learn to fly he still would have got a trophy…since keeping score is bad and having any side win is bad, they all get “participation” trophies now and keeping score is now irrelevant. We’re all equal that way…

  10. over 13 years ago on Speed Bump

    I am the 0% in this situation…we used to be part of the 2%, but decided to move to skim a while back. I recently tried some 2% after having done only skim for the last few years and the 2% drank heavy to me.

    Do I need to hold up a sign with a diatribe about skim milk and decrying the fat cats who drink whole milk and then take a pic to post on the internet?