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patrickvincent Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 8 years ago on Widdershins

    The plot thickens

  2. over 8 years ago on Monty

    I hate it when that happens! And why is it always napthol red medium? You’d think cadmium red would be hard to find, eh? .Cadmian blue? Even harder to find. And don’t get me going about Sacre Bleu…I’ll have to refer you Christopher Moore for more on that……I just said moron….Hee!..

  3. over 8 years ago on Frazz

    Secondly, the first panel stands on it’s own, as a truly funny classic cartoon…That’s all that was needed for the gag… The wonderful thing about his particular cartoon is that the gag is funny and the truth at the same time…..The second panel ruins it….

  4. over 8 years ago on Frazz

    First of all, is Frazz juggling a roll of tape, and erasure, and a symbolic apple?

  5. over 8 years ago on Brevity

    Yeah, once a year in the summer, the Phlegm Flam Man would come to town, selling snake oil, sarsaparilla for arthritis, coca for nasal decongestion, cures for hangovers, dream pills…But he was a pretty cool guy…Went by the name of Jerry…I remember Jerry. He was a good friend of mine….I never understood a single word he said, but he always had some mighty fine wine…Yeah, he always had some mighty fine wine.

  6. over 8 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    I’d say she’s just being typically ditzy, but I think HE’S the ditzy one in this relationship..His cat s his best friend, eh?…I rest my case…..BTW, I am convinced more than ever that cats can understand much of what we say, not just the repetitive stuff..although they can’t respond verbally, I have seen them respond to what I’ve said in actions….Maybe it’s body language, maybe it’s the tone of the voice, I don’t know….I do know, they seem to know WAY too much about what’s going on…I think we should keep an eye on them….They’re kind spooky…..

  7. over 8 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    Meg, they aren’t really, they just like the sound of the word “panties”…It does bring to mind images that are pleasing to many men…But there isn’t a sane man in the world that does’t prefer boobies over anything else in the world…

  8. over 8 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    What’s with the lettering?

  9. over 9 years ago on Candorville

    The cop has a gun, therefore he deserved to die? I’m not following your logic.

  10. almost 11 years ago on Gil Thorp

    What would my original signed Jack Berrill strip go for these days?