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Recent Comments

  1. over 5 years ago on Cheap Thrills Cuisine


  2. over 5 years ago on Rubes

    And his tail is going to get closed in the door.

  3. over 8 years ago on Non Sequitur

    There are a lot of Haters posting here.

  4. over 8 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Jim in CT – Hillary is the Teflon Queen – who will protect her when Obama is out of office? Or is she hoping for a Statute to Expire?

  5. over 8 years ago on Bottom Liners

    Oh Hell, Now the Libs are invading the Comic page OPENLY!

  6. over 8 years ago on Reality Check

    Is it a “Scratch and Sniff”? If so it needs a Cat.

  7. over 8 years ago on B.C.

    I like kale.

  8. over 8 years ago on Reality Check

    Remember when Bill Clinton said the same thing?

  9. over 8 years ago on Frazz

    You and me kroykali

  10. over 8 years ago on Frazz

    Band Leader Phil Harris (also a full time drinker) once said of Non-Drinkers "can you imagine waking up in the morning, knowing that is the best you are going to feel all day?