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Recent Comments

  1. over 11 years ago on Luann

    That is the first time I remember Toni Daytona facing the reader in a panel. Usually, she’s symbolically turned to one side. Today her hooded eyes are wide open. The wall between her and Brad—and us—is down.

  2. over 11 years ago on Luann

    Step by step, Brad and Toni have been getting ready for the big commitment and their life ahead. In today’s strip you can feel them going deeper. In the final panel, Toni looks like a mom. Brad is somewhat more reluctant in the role of dad, a nice reversal for the insecure guy who was so eager to get the ring on Toni’s finger. Love to watch these two grow. I’m cheering for them. Thanks, Greg!

  3. almost 12 years ago on The Meaning of Lila

    So sad to see this strip end! Thanks, John, for brightening our mornings with Lila, Boyd, Annie and the rest. Your work has been refreshing, real and funny. You’ll be missed.

  4. about 12 years ago on The Meaning of Lila

    Great twist! Didn’t see this coming.

  5. about 12 years ago on The Meaning of Lila

    Annie is an orphan. She’s testing. Will Lila still love her when she shows her worst side? Depending on her prior life, she may also have only a shaky sense of cause and effect. Her empathy may be low.

    Lila’s a great mom for her because she’s accepting. She sets expectations and guides Annie but doesn’t demand perfection. How could she?

  6. about 12 years ago on The Meaning of Lila

    Uh-oh. Another parenting challenge ahead.

  7. about 12 years ago on The Meaning of Lila

    Listen to your mother, Lila.

  8. about 12 years ago on The Meaning of Lila

    JWF – One of the things I like about this strip is that it keeps me guessing. Great storytelling.

  9. about 12 years ago on The Meaning of Lila

    Oooo, snap!

  10. over 12 years ago on The Meaning of Lila

    There is meaning in things big and small, as Lila knows—uh, perhaps.