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  1. almost 7 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    You all realize you’re talking about people’s lives, right? And the impact these horrible bikers have on you as drivers is to slow you down – perhaps by as much as whole minutes. Does that seem a fair balance of interests?

    Would you feel the same if your children were goofing off on their way home, walking or biking, and someone opted to weed the gene pool due to their errant decision to walk the “suicide” line?

    Just keep in mind that, while there are bikers who could show more respect, there are plenty of car drivers who could, too. And, there are plenty of times when the shoulder isn’t a safe place to ride.

  2. almost 7 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Bike lanes get lots of use depending on the other facilities that support their use. They require proper planning and just throwing them in willy-nilly will not work. But they CAN and DO work with good planning. You’ve got to be able to get people from place to place just like we plan for cars.

    And in a cold weather climate? Yes, they work there, too, and will get lots of use. Come visit us in Minneapolis and tell me they don’t get used or make sense. At the very least, depending on the type of lanes employed, they provide a space for the snow to go so that the cars and bikes have more room to share.

  3. over 13 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Smoking is just rude. “people have the right to smoke” is akin to “people have the right to swing their fists.” sure – but that right stops at someone else’s face. Cigarette smoke is nasty, horrible, ugly, smelly stuff. And purposefully lighting a pile of tobacco on fire and imposing that on anyone who happens to pass by is just rude. No- smoking is not like other forms of pollution. Not at all. Smoking is purely for the “pleasure” of the smoker. Almost all of the other forms of pollution that one might complain about are the product of something that at least marginally provides some utility. Smoking cigarettes does not. There really are much, much better ways to entertain oneself than by smoking cigarettes. Can’t we be more creative than that by now?