Between the writer ballooning the size of the cast and the artist’s inability to make a character look the same twice, I can’t tell who the hell any of these people are.
For hell’s sake, the artwork is just getting offensive, people are getting depicted as some sort of ape-man creature! Several characters look like they have gorilla ancestry. The story isn’t much better. Henry, Rachel, I get it, you don’t like things created by dead, old white guys, about old white guys. Why don’t you devote yourself to something you do like?
So, I dropped this strip a while back for obvious reasons. Now I’m checking in to see what’s up. Shock. Horror. What the heck am I looking at? Paleolithic art? Chicken Scratch? Seriously, there are tons of artists out there looking for work! At least find someone that gives a sh!t.
The problem with conspiracy theorists is anything that disproves the conspiracy must be part of the conspiracy. There’s no winning.