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9thCapricorn Free

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  1. about 20 hours ago on Luann

    I don’t go back and look in the vast library. I seem to recall that but if you really want to know, you can go to the library and verify.

  2. about 20 hours ago on Luann

    Gunther was never her boyfriend. He crushed on Luann unrequitedly. Unfortunately Luann knew that and played with him a bit. As for Miguel and Stu and others…they weren’t exactly boyfriends…they went out on dates and had fun. They hung around in the halls which was pretty much it, Quill was her only real boyfriend.

  3. 1 day ago on Luann

    She learned plenty from Tiff growing up.

  4. 1 day ago on Luann

    Luann sure is getting bold here…She learned plenty from Tiff growing up, I suppose.

  5. 1 day ago on Luann

    Not my point. Whether Luann hoped Mrs Horner might invite Phil or not, she did throw that comment to her. I wonder if off panel, Luann discreetingly asked Mrs Horner if she extended the invite to to which Horner replied Phil couldn’t come which might explain why Luann was not offended that Phil didn’t come

  6. 1 day ago on Luann

    Yeah. They simply acknowledged each other and walked past each other. That wasn’t mature either. The cordial thing would be stopping and having a small talk. After being thrown with the necklace, Quill wanted nothing to do with Luann so he did not stop and chat. Luann did the same. Bet Quill thought he was lucky he got out of relationship with Luann. Bet by now he has a better and more mature girlfriend. Luann treats herself as a traumatized ex girlfriend, a victim of Quill’s callous ways and abandonment therefore she gotta be cautious about getting interested in a new guy. Never occured to her that it was her own doingd; with her tantrums and’ my way or else’ tendencies. Someone needs to bring that up and Bernice would be the person – the only person in Luanniverse who could. She has no problem putting a mirror to Luann and making her take a good look at herself and unpack before hooking up with a new guy. Bets could if she knows her history, knows her the way Bernice does but would be gentler than Bernice. Bets could be frank and straight shooter in a better way that Bernice doesn’t know how. Luann needs a good shaking for pieces of herself to fall into place.

  7. 2 days ago on Luann

    You call throwing the boomerang necklace at Quill cordial?

  8. 2 days ago on Luann

    Yes…a boomerang pendant with a chain. Ancient, indeed, and she still holds a grudge and is ‘cautious’. Looks like she did not give it much though and simply continues to blame Quill. Just now I am wondering if this is why Luann hasn’t been able to move on with her life, find her purpose, her future, etc. Because her past with Quill has not been resolved?

  9. 2 days ago on Luann

    Luann is cautious after a nasty break-up…? A break-up that SHE caused. She threw a temper tantrum about his leaving to go on the tour. She expected him to give it up to be with her. SHE was the immature one. She was simply hurt that Quill did not CHOOSE her. She believed she was not important enough for him to stay. That is the mentality of a teenager who had no vision of the future beyond her current wants. Quill had a vision and plans. Quill was mature beyond Luann. They were not on the same life stage. Quill chose rightly to pursue his future. Luann just wouldn’t accept it. SO, she still thinks she was a victim. Perhaps Phil will help show that she was never a victim but was just a high school girl with romantic ideals while her boyfriend was not ready for more serious relationship and chose to begin his career and college. There was no victim – just two people in different places in life. Luann needs to accept that Quill was never a bad guy and move on. Accept the responsibility of her own actions. Her relationship with Phil won’t work out if she is still the same Quill’s Luann.

  10. 2 days ago on Luann

    Whatever. She still risked that Mrs Horner might actually invite Phil she she joked about it.