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jbarnes Free

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  1. about 2 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    One of my four kitties was kept in one room last night so we could have a stool sample for the vet today (prayers it’s just a UTI and clears up easily). She has lots to say about that!

  2. about 22 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    In the western US where I live, most businesses will let customers use their facilities and disabled stalls are fairly common, though you can’t count on a good handrail.

    But going in nature is a bigger problem in the semi-desert areas I live near. Unless there is a handy jumble of rocks, you are right out in the open most times, not to mention watching out for cactus underfoot (and under bum). Plus, things don’t decompose well without moisture, so packing out TP is a must and it would really be best to pack it all out here. Digging a hole for #2 is frequently almost impossible with rocky dry soil anyway. Which probably adds to my lack of enthusiasm for the necessity.

  3. about 23 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    If you are careful not to get it wet, that is. Easier said than done.

  4. about 23 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    Why can’t girls go in the woods, you ask? We can, but it’s a pain. You need to expose your whole lower half (pull your pants down to your ankles, squat WAY down, and aim carefully (paying attention to wind and hill slopes) or you will soak your clothing. You also need to have something to hide behind or go a LONG way off trail or others will see your bare bum. Plus, women’s equipment leaves a lot of moisture behind, so we need toilet paper or similar if we aren’t going to be damp and uncomfortable afterwards. Which means either burying or carrying out the toilet paper. I have gone in the woods many times and will wait in a considerable line for an outhouse instead if I get the choice. I would hike several miles out of my way to use an outhouse instead of go au-natural.

  5. about 23 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    Tilt your body forward more so the pee goes down instead of out, and make sure your feet are uphill or on the level so the pee doesn’t run towards them.

  6. about 23 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    Most outhouses I have seen (both historic and modern) are single stall affairs. No one would build two outhouses just so the ladies didn’t have to share a facility with the gentlemen.

  7. about 23 hours ago on Luann

    This reminds me of the people who respond to even the mildest of normal kid behaviors with “MY child would NEVER…”, followed by a lecture about “correct” parenting that brings such miraculous results. Of course, most such commenters are either long past their own child-raising years or have never had children.

  8. about 24 hours ago on F Minus

    Condense it to a few pages and package it up for the grandkids.

  9. 2 days ago on Ten Cats

    Agreed. We are about to take our cat into the vet for what is probably a UTI. They will stick us for $150 just to show up, and then hundreds in tests (including ones that are unlikely, like cancer). We’ll be very lucky if we get out of there for less than $500, even if she just needs antibiotics. Oh, and it has been slightly over a year since she was in last, so I’m sure they will insist on vaccination boosters.

  10. 4 days ago on JumpStart

    Yep. I have been vegetarian for 30+ years, and my husband is a meat-eater. Ready availability of vegetarian food does not mean you will choose to prepare or eat it. And what grows in a home vegetable garden isn’t enough to base a vegetarian diet on – you also need grains, beans, nuts, etc. And there would be almost nothing ready to harvest most of the year in Philadelphia unless you also have a greenhouse.