Well Georgia, it’s been quite a year hasn’t it! I really hope the love and support you find in us, your fans, helps ease things a bit. Doesn’t make the road ahead shorter, but maybe a tiny bit smoother. Our hearts and prayers are with you and the kids! Remember the love!
My Tortie, Della, can open inside doors, all with knobs! She is extremely polydactl and her paws look like big mittens, with double opposing thumbs on each paw! Outer doors are too heavy, thank Cat… or maybe she just hasn’t wanted to go outside…
There is no such thing as a “worse” or "easier loss; each is devastating in its own time. May you find comfort in your memories, in family and friends, and in the hope of reuniting with him when the Lord makes all things new!
I don’t think the creators of the classic strips are to blame here. They aren’t taking up “unfair” space or “watering down” newer comics! What is happening is with the newspapers themselves, cutting comics PERIOD, for the sake of more advertising, Its getting harder to get advertisers, cause there’s no content for people to read in order to see the ads. They need comics! And as far as the discrimination angle, we all know that’s illegal, so look at the top guys in newspaper “journalism” and file some lawsuits!
I know! Children are supposed to be born speaking their native language absolutely perfectly! Or at least have it down by age two!! Must mean Ellie is a bad mom! Again! Not true!!!
Every day’s a Holiday, and every meal a feast!