Bear in my face

LMoltz Free

Recent Comments

  1. 5 months ago on Strange Brew


  2. 6 months ago on Glasbergen Cartoons

    How about that weather, huh?

  3. 7 months ago on Off the Mark

    You would KNOW if you gave birth. There’s no “think” about it!

  4. 7 months ago on Off the Mark

    Agreed. Wouldn’t proof of delivery be sent to the “sender”? Did he send himself the arrow? Logically, Cupid’s delivery would come from an admirer. Or am I completely missing something? Wouldn’t be the first time. :)

  5. 7 months ago on Non Sequitur

    That’s the whole point of faith – you can’t prove it. You either have it and believe that Jesus is Lord and that God raised him from the dead, thereby being saved – or you don’t. It wouldn’t be faith if you had to prove it.

  6. 7 months ago on Bliss

    Carnivore here, for over a year. Lost ~ 60lbs and feel great! If someone chooses to go vegan, at least I hope they’re thinking about the food they’re eating; BIG FOOD is nearly as awful as BIG PHARMA.

  7. 8 months ago on Strange Brew


  8. 8 months ago on Bliss


  9. 8 months ago on Rubes

    I’ve seen so many Beagle videos like that! LOL

  10. 8 months ago on Rubes

    It’s a good idea to actually KNOW where your dog can reach. Many moons ago when we had a cat and 2 dogs, I’d keep the cat’s food on the counter in the bathroom so the dogs couldn’t reach it. For a while it was fine, then I’d come in and find the bowl licked clean, not something the cat would do! Our larger dog had never really showed an interest in cat food but our other dog was a Beagle, too small to reach the counter…we thought. Came in one day to see her jump up on the toilet seat then onto the counter and poof! Cat food inhaled. LOL