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  1. over 11 years ago on Get Fuzzy

    Just for the record, this yank owns the DVD of MP and the HG, and watches it often. Darb is brill!

  2. over 12 years ago on Get Fuzzy

    Oi! Mac made clear for me! But, I’m from the North of England, so this dialect is my lingua franca. Sounds like me mum ‘e does! She’s virtually unintelligible to anyone else, especially if she’s downed a couple, the old dear.

  3. about 13 years ago on Get Fuzzy

    My mother’s cat, an rather unpleasantly blimpish, nasty animal eats only dry kibble. Won’t touch meat or tuna or any of that. Is 16, has health problems, and the worst attitude of any cat I’ve ever met. My cat, who is 20 and healthy and spry, gets the highest quality gooshy food I can find with the highest meat content, and the occasional snack of raw whatever we’re having for dinner. He’s pleasant, friendly, and well behaved. Go figure.

  4. over 13 years ago on Get Fuzzy

    Sandfan, and others who think that if we just tried the right grapefruit, we’d be convinced: sorry, but that just isn’t the case. Some people just cannot abide the taste of grapefruits. They contain an unusual combination of acids, that some people just can’t eat. I can’t eat them, they’re just too bitter. I can’t eat broccoli and brussels sprouts for the same reason. And no, it doesn’t matter how they’re cooked. I happen to be a supertaster (look it up) and fought with my mother for years and years that there were just certain foods I could not eat.

    So, give the people here that say they don’t like grapefruit the benefit of the doubt. No grapefruit will taste good to us, ok?