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  1. over 4 years ago on Endtown

    Don’t comment very often but I thought I would share this insight. Look at Wally’s light beam. It is showing that it is moving forward and pushing the brushes along with its beam tell the brushes have become cornered in a light box in the last panel.

  2. over 5 years ago on Endtown

    The actual BIG Truth is ….. Satan being the “Prince of the Air” basically owns most everybody on this Planet including the Catholic Church and Protestant Churches including all other Religions of the World. He tried to own Jesus when Jesus was Tempted by Him in the wilderness but Failed (hard to get away with tempting God!). So Satan and his other Fallen Angels (Demons) with their Hatred for Jesus are always having those People who Serve them (most everybody ) say Jesus name in vain all the time and also are used rally against the real Christian Church even any mention of Christianity in any form. Of coarse leaving the other Religions alone for the most part because the Prince of this world made them to deceive as many as possible and keep them from the truth and thereby keeping them from true Salvation in Christ. Deceiving and being deceived. That’s what its ALL about in a nut shell. How to find TRUE Salvation in the Bible? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ – Then read the Beginning of Acts – up to Acts 2 – 38 which is the complete and true Salvation Message – Then OBEY IT!! You will definitely get God’s attention then! Then?? Find a Church that Preaches Act 2 – 38 message (the Apostals Doctrine) and go there to obey. Just blew everybody’s MInd! Love the Comic!!

  3. over 10 years ago on Endtown

    These Topsiders are plainly NOT human!!

  4. almost 11 years ago on Endtown

    I haven’t read all the comments but it seems very clear that Holly was “day dreaming” in the past when she was a human with her boy friend (or husband) at a particular time and incident . . . duh!!

  5. over 12 years ago on Endtown

    Romeo & Juliet story . . .

  6. over 12 years ago on Endtown

    This is a harsh reality show and Neathery isn’t out to pull punches. You are looking at the end of THIS story folks! We will be able to see what happens to Flask and Im sure It wouldn’t be a pretty picture . . . Why do you think its called “ENDtown”?