No bio available
Wont work at my dentist, the first thing they do is hand you some mouthwash.
Turn the dam thing off!
but… no one has mentioned Green Acres! I still remember the words after all these years.
Its not fair, the tree has more limbs than I do.
Unless its in Imperial gallons, then each gallon weighs exactly 10 pounds.
When my wife does that to me I just hand her the phone.
As a Canadian attending school in the 60’s I can attest that we had to learn all 50 states and their capitals, I guess that happens when you live next door to a world power.
If it takes an hour to read the that, he should consider night classes.
Dunno what lottery that was, I had 5 of 6 once and won a whopping 125 bucks.
Must be a Snow Goose.
Wont work at my dentist, the first thing they do is hand you some mouthwash.