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Sarah.L. Free

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  1. over 11 years ago on Frank and Ernest

    Anyone else who thought this was an Anthony Weiner joke when they first read it?

  2. almost 13 years ago on Doonesbury

    Not talking about something is not the same as accepting it. Acceptance is when you are not fired, beaten, or killed if you mention having a same sex partner or slip and forget to switch adjectives when talking to a stranger. Being openly gay means being able to talk about your family in polite company, that’s all – it’s not a cry for attention, it’s just living your life. For the first time in her life Roz can be open about her orientation and not fear losing her career. She’s celebrating, not bragging.

  3. over 13 years ago on The Meaning of Lila

    I’m reminded again of the remarkable way this strip uses a shallow main character to explore deep issues (leukemia, father’s stroke, etc.). I’m not complaining, but if someone said Lila’s line to me on a date I’d be out the door before she could blink. Though the guy could probably take a breath between listing all his accomplishments.