Mysta cutie

yumpinyiminey Free

Recent Comments

  1. 26 days ago on Dick Tracy

    I’d like to see Charles Ettinger try his hand on Notta Chin Chillar. I’m glad she reappeared in the modern era, but no one’s ever quite recaptured the explosiveness of Gould’s original portrayal in my opinion.

  2. 26 days ago on Dick Tracy

    The slant is back a bit more today but larger irises with the different shades of blue would be killer!

  3. 26 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Sad but true.

  4. 26 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Me too!

  5. 26 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Horns are great, but bigger irises would be nice.

  6. 26 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Does Diet have any openings for frisking detail?

  7. 26 days ago on Dick Tracy

    I meant “fun times” in that Mysta will be fit to be tied because Roze-Ann or whatever his name is tried to kill Tracy and Thorin. LOL! And zero complaints from me if Lizz goes back to her glamorous look!

  8. 26 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Since details matter and Mr. Ettinger has incorporated so many here, let me point out a few that I appreciate regarding Mysta’s outfit. 1. the stars on her dress, which we’ve seen before, add flash and sizzle to her appearance; 2. the matching belt and shoulder wrap thing are space age cool; 3. the little folds in her dress that follow the lines of her body give the clingy material a more realistic look, which is quite adorable; 4. the little neckband is very cute and matches the design of her belt and the color of her earrings — symmetry being at the essence of beauty; 5. Mysta’s hair length and volume and the way it’s arranged are . . . awesome; 6. I like how she’s putting her sunglasses in her purse in panel 1, it took a minute to figure out what she was doing because of the dark colors. Thank you, Mr. Ettinger, details do matter and I really appreciate your excellent work on this beloved character!

  9. 26 days ago on Dick Tracy

    I had not checked in for a while but glad I did today. Very nice to see Mysta again and wowsers she looks great! Thank you Charles Ettinger and hope we see a lot more of her. Her hair is very nicely arranged and the horns look just like they should. Very cool! I am looking forward to where this story goes now. Didn’t Mysta sleep with this Roze-An dufus? That should make for a fun reunion. Good times coming!

  10. over 1 year ago on Dick Tracy

    Thanks, Neil.