This is so appalling and has tragically become standard in Swedish schools:‘Certain patterns can be discerned from the testimonies. One is that “talented”, quiet students, preferably girls, are used by the teachers to calm rowdy classmates. At least three terms – “buffer girl”, “cushion girl” and “shock absorber” – are used for the phenomenon. If the girls don’t get other skills at school, they at least learn that their function is to make messy boys feel better.’
This is so appalling and has tragically become standard in Swedish schools:‘Certain patterns can be discerned from the testimonies. One is that “talented”, quiet students, preferably girls, are used by the teachers to calm rowdy classmates. At least three terms – “buffer girl”, “cushion girl” and “shock absorber” – are used for the phenomenon. If the girls don’t get other skills at school, they at least learn that their function is to make messy boys feel better.’