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Pogo was a pretty cool strip, but I was too young at the time to understand the nuance.
I remember Capp’s downfall but I’m not old enough to remember his feud with Ham Fisher. Not many are. Lil Abner was great, though. >
Odd that she campaigned against taco trucks, Lalo being an obvious fan. But if you don’t like this strip, there’s always Mallard Fillmore.
Where is the puke emoji?
If you don’t like this comic, you’re path is clear. i don’t read ‘Mallard Fillmore.’ Does anyone?
What happened to the color funnies? Did they run out of ink?
Why are the funnies going black and white? Is it a retro thing? Did they run out of ink?
Not even the comments on the funnies are safe from kooks. Are they they getting bored waiting for JFK, Jr to rise form the dead?