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  1. about 1 hour ago on Wizard of Id

    I remember 122 in Phoenix.

  2. about 2 hours ago on B.C.

    Trust in me, just in me….

  3. about 2 hours ago on B.C.

    [Gasp] – you are a bad man! Maybe.

  4. about 2 hours ago on Arlo and Janis

    That’s right – the last week or so has been a flashback to a different time. I had to let that go before I understood today’s strip.

  5. about 2 hours ago on Arlo and Janis

    Cats can be vengeful critters, peeing on items the cat sees as important to the people they don’t like for whatever reason. A single ruined sofa or mattress is a big deal. My wife fostered cats from a shelter where she volunteered, and it was often hard. All sorts of situations had resulted in the cats being in the shelter, and most of them were just scared or lonely, but some were unfit for adoption. The lady who ran the shelter lived on the edge of civilization, where the cats had options besides being in a house.

  6. about 2 hours ago on Arlo and Janis

    I think you’re on to something. JJ may or may not have decided where this is going, but he certainly cares what his followers are thinking. Except his followers who are also cats, of course.

  7. about 2 hours ago on Arlo and Janis

    If I understand correctly, in Texas electric consumers contract with “power brokers” who set the retail price in a competitive market. The power brokers, in turn, contract with the producers for the supply. In situations like 2021 the power brokers can be squeezed mighty hard. I recall, earlier in the century, reading in our Newsline at work about a time when the wind didn’t blow for at least a day. Over the following months several of the power brokers went out of business, with all their retail contracts going to some state entity that was something like a “default power broker.”

    I fault NERC for not providing more public education about bulk electric power in this time of so much public concern about the supply side of the electricity we depend on. It is not willful ignorance on the part of consumers, just remarkable lack of transparency on the market side of things in North America. It is a confusing state of affairs from the get-go, and being an insider in Arizona only made it more complicated and worrisome. As a “conduit” employee (I was an IT tech who served both the generation and transmission sides of the company) I had annual training about what I could and could not mention to each without threat of federal prison time.

  8. about 15 hours ago on Arlo and Janis

    We had the luxury of a first rate microwave engineer. He often told me things that I hadn’t known about microwave paths, but I certainly never knew a quarter as much as he did.

    My first run-in with inexplicable behavior was with our first digital microwave path. The path was nearly flat and not terribly long. We ran it with test equipment on it for weeks and the time came to put traffic on it. It ran great until the sun went down, at which point it really fell apart. When the sun came up, life was good again. It was eventually chalked up to a dent in the waveguide at one end.

  9. about 15 hours ago on For Better or For Worse

    For any head injury that results in temporary loss of consciousness you should go to the Emergency Department at the local hospital, where they will keep you for observation for some number of hours. The concern is brain swelling, which forces the brain stem down on the spine. No swelling: no problem. Swelling without treatment: expect to never be the same again if it doesn’t kill you.

  10. about 15 hours ago on Arlo and Janis

    I don’t know how widespread the knowledge is, but combining gold and tinned contacts is a very bad combo. No actual damage, but it is an open invitation to intermittents.